68 final goodbye

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Noah is leaving today and Lee is leaving tomorrow to go to burkley we have all been busy hanging out and also sneaking out and going to the beach and also the pier.

Me and Andy have been really good I also went to the studio a couple of times and watched them record their songs it was really fun watching them put songs together.

I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

It was still extremely dark outside so I know it's not 6 am I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I grabbed my phone and texted Lee and Noah to see if they wanted to sneak out and spend one last night together they said yea get ready.

I smiled and quickly got ready and sprayed some body spray on I can't believe I moved in with andy it's been amazing his cats are my babies.

Andy woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and said Elle where are you going I said spending time with Lee and Noah before they leave.

Andy smiled and said I'll turn my ring tone on before you leave I smiled and said ok and grabbed my phone and keys and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

Noah and Lee were on their way so I decided to chill on the couch crow was cuddled next to me while I was waiting to leave.

A couple minutes later Lee and Noah picked me up I turned up the radio while Lee drove out of the neighborhood I smiled and gave them both a hug and said I'm gonna miss you guys.

Noah said us too Elle we have had so much fun this year I smiled and said me too we all jammed out to music while driving down the highway together.

I took a couple pictures of us while Lee was driving the breeze felt really good against my skin my hair was blowing in the wind.

I smiled because it was a very beautiful night and the stars were shining in the sky I took a picture of the sky and relaxed in the back seat.

Noah and Lee were jamming out together I smiled and bit my lip and took a picture of them then I decided to join in on the duet.

We ended up getting gas and also snacks and slushies we continued driving down the highway towards the beach.

A little while later we got to the beach and park and we talked about memories and we also listened to music and ate our snacks we also took more pictures together.

After we finished eating we threw our trash away we also ended running around the beach and acted like teenagers all over again.

An hour later we all got in the car and buckled up and smiled I said we should probably go home now Lee sighed and said yea and we left.

We ended up leaving the beach at around 4 am and we headed home so we could get some sleep and drop Noah off at the airport later.

I felt sad because I really didn't want the night to end because I'm really gonna miss the guys when they leave for college.

I kept my chin on the front seat and wrapped my arms around Lee and Noah's shoulders they smiled and kissed my head they were definitely like brothers to me.

After the guys dropped me off I went inside and closed the door and locked it I felt really sad I took off my shoes and headed upstairs and went into me and andys room.

I used the restroom then headed back into our room I plugged my phone in and sprayed some body spray on and climbed back into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later me and Andy woke up I yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

Andy went into the bathroom I made a cup of coffee and texted Lee to see when Noah was going to the airport he said 11 I said ok and put my phone down.

Me and Andy quickly ate breakfast then we got ready and left and went to Lee and Noah's house Lee gave me a hug and we all headed inside.

An hour later we all left and headed to the airport I was in the middle of Lee and Noah Andy was in the back seat.

We all took a group picture then I put my phone down after we got to the airport we all headed inside with Noah.

Noah went and bought his ticket then he put his luggage up and walked back over with us and he was holding his carry on bag.

We all walked over to the security check and walked through and headed to the elevator so he could leave and get on the plane.

We took one more picture then Noah gave everyone a hug and Noah gave me the last hug he smiled and said take care Elle.

I said don't forget about me he laughed and said never and he kissed my forehead and started walking away Lee wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kept me close to him.

Noah got to the top of the elevator and he turned around and waved good bye and we all smiled and waved bye then he turned around and walked away.

A couple minutes later Noah was gone and we all turned around and started walking out of the airport I felt like a piece of me left with Noah.

After we left the airport we all went out to eat and talked about random shit and laughed together lees parents made me feel a lot better.

After we left the restaurant we left and went back to their house me and Andy told them goodbye then me and Andy left and headed home.

After we got home we ended up lounging around for the rest of the day a couple of hours later we ate dinner then we took care of the animals then we went upstairs and went to bed for the night.

Crow and femme ended up cuddling on the bed with me and Andy we watched movies until we both fell asleep for the night.

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