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Nobody that you knew in your real life knew you worked here as well as Barnes Global, except for Nat and Pietro. Your wig and your mask saw to that. Even after your first day, you had decided to keep it a secret. Not just for your own personal safety, (in case any angry regulars caught you in the street and expected something just because you do it in the evenings), but because you were fully aware of the assumptions that would be made.

You mention fetish club to anyone that doesn't already work in the sex industry, and you knew you'd be asked whether it means you're a prostitute, or a porn star, or whether you do all the things from that god awful infamous film that made everyone think they're suddenly into BDSM.

No, these clubs worked very differently. There was a process, a procedure, that enabled Nat (and sometimes you) to screen potential members. There were fees, to ward off the drunk 'lads' thinking you were just a stripper. There were introductory sessions, matching the workers with the clients interests. There were security measures in place. There were guards. Each worker had something on them that worked as a silent alarm if needed. Workers never went to clients' homes, or secondary locations. It all happened in the club. And the things that happened at the club were all discussed beforehand between the workers and the clients, gathering consent at every possible step. The actual sex part of the evening usually only happened once a worker and their client had been together for a while, and built a layer of trust in their relationship.

The people that came here were more looking for a release of control, a way to forget the limitations of their days, their responsibilities. There were ways of enabling them to forget about all that, and a lot of the ways didn't involve just getting fucked.

There was still a section where the workers did strip dance routines, but everyone who frequented the club knew that no clothes were lost during the dances, and that this was more for show, for atmospheric purposes. The workers used their dance slots as half-breaks from room schedules, to decompress after sessions. The dance area also allowed visitors who were interested in becoming members to dip their toe into it, to sit and have a discussion with you, Nat, or their potential match, in a no pressure environment. Just nice music, someone dancing in front of them, and a few drinks.

The role you took on was a Mistress. Sometimes you were a sub, but that was very rare for you, and it had to be a very, very special client for you to consider that. You also came here looking for release, and the members usually did not have the skills to dominate you in the way you ever wanted. So, you took control. Five nights a week. That way, you could control your own release as well as theirs. It worked for you, and it had worked for years.

For the last year though, you had been finding it harder and harder to expel all of your frustrations through your evening job, and it then translated over to your day job. You knew the reason, and so did Nat. She liked to bring it up every now and then, and tonight was one of those times.

"I think you should just do it. Just kiss him one day." She said bluntly as she shuffled the papers on her desk. You were sitting opposite her, lounging in the velvet armchair as if you owned it.

Which you did. You bought it for her.

"I am not going to kiss my boss."

"But you've had the hots for him since day one."

"He is my boss!" You said, repeating the same argument you raised every time she mentioned it.

"Maybe he has the hots for you."

"Like fuck. He's got like, a bajillion dollars, and he always has meetings with these women that look like they have permanent photoshop on them. It would be so embarrassing if I even thought about trying anything."

"Yeah but you're not exactly plain Jane are you?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't say that. I know I'm hot. I'm just not...CEO Mr Barnes level hot." You sighed as you let your head fall back onto the chair.

"Well you gotta do something, because you're burning through clients like nothing I've ever seen."

"They're just so boring!" You huffed as you moved to sit up. "'Oh Mistress, please can I have the flogger? I didn't drink enough water, please punish me!'. Like, just shut up Marley, you don't drink enough every bloody week. I'll fucking punish you just for being annoying."

Nat laughed from the other side of the desk.

"I'm telling you, you need to do something to change things up. I can't keep looking at their puppy dog eyes when I tell them that you've gone to other people. Maybe you should go back to subbing?" She queried with a shrug.

"You know I hate that with these members. Not that we have shit members but..."

"But you're very picky, I know, I know." She sighed. She put the papers down that were in her hands. "But pretty soon, you'll have gone through all the appropriate options, then what? You're still frustrated, and then I can't pay you to just be sitting around."

"You already pay Pietro for that." You mumbled with a grimace.

"Funny. Seriously though Luka, you either need to kiss Barnes, or get over yourself. You can't be moping for another year, I won't allow it."

"I'm not moping, I'm just..." You exhaled loudly. "Bored. I need some excitement. A change. Maybe I should start doing the dances?"

"Absolutely not. You have no rhythm for that. I'd start losing customers." She laughed and you frowned, picking up one of her pens and chucking it over at her. "Right come on, time for you to work. I have a potential coming in this evening, I need you to do introductions."

"Why?" You asked suspiciously.

"Because none of your remaining clients are due until tomorrow, and you need to do some actual work while you're here." She ordered, gesturing for you to leave. "Plus he was an anonymous call, so I need to be on the cameras in case. You've got Jules and Rohan nearby as well." You stood, grumpily, reluctantly. You grabbed your wig and pulled it over your hair, going to her mirror to make sure it was sitting right, and tucked away any visible strands. She came over to help you with your mask, tying it neatly at the back of your head, then pinning it in place. She also tugged at your corset strings.

"Hey, you trying to kill me?!" You chuckled as it tightened.

"We both know you like it tight, stop being a baby." She said, in a very motherly tone before she leaned forward to give you a kiss on the cheek. "Now, go get me a new member. Pietro will point him out."

You left her office, walking slowly down the stairs and thinking over your dire situation. Nat was right, you needed to suck it up. The question was, which job did you wanna suck it up in?

As you entered the main area, you instinctively cast your eye over the floor, noting the patrons that you both knew, and did not know. You also spotted a few of your previous clients, whose eyes visibly lit up as you walked past. You held your head high and ignored them, knowing it would send them crazy.

"Piet!" You called as you reached the bar, making him rush over from the customer he was serving. "New client?" You asked.

"That one. Hugo Boss suit, I can tell from a mile away that he's a big ticket." Pietro explained as he pointed. You rolled your eyes as you turned to follow his finger. Big ticket guys always had the money to spend, but you found that aside from 'being punished', none of them really knew what they wanted from you. It was exhausting. Seemed like all that money had cost them brain cells.

When your eyes followed Pietro's finger, and you tried to pick out the suit he was talking about, you felt a rush of dread run through you as you clocked who it was.

Mr Barnes.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now