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You called Pietro from the house phone a few minutes after Bucky left, explaining that you were at his place, and you didn't think you'd be back at the club. He dropped your things off a little while later, exchanging a minimal conversation with Steve, who was now stationed at the door.

Bucky didn't contact you for the rest of the day. You figured the 'sorting out' would be something to do with the guys that tried to grab you, so you waited a little while. But then 6pm came and went. And so did 7pm. Before you knew it, it was 8.30pm and you still had no indication of where Bucky was, or when he was coming back.

You'd wasted the hours up until now talking to Nat, updating her on the weird ass situation now, and maybe hinting that she definitely should not look at the cameras from today.

You knew she would anyway.

Eventually you started trying to bug Steve about when Bucky would be home. At 10pm, he still had no updates for you, so you just gave him a new cup of coffee and bid him goodnight. He helped you lock up the apartment, including the windows and some rooms you never even noticed before, and you got into bed, disappointed that you'd once again submitted to Bucky way too easily, and still hadn't got the release, or the answers, that you wanted.

A few hours later, just as your body was getting into a deep sleep, you were being woken up.

"Hey doll, you awake?" Came a low, beautifully soothing voice in your ear. You stirred groggily, rolling onto your side to look up. Bucky was sitting on the bed beside you, a soft smile on his lips as he took his hand off your shoulder.

"Hmm..." You groaned as you pushed yourself to sit up. "What time is it?"

"Little after two."

You sat up properly, rubbing your eyes a little before fully taking him in. His shirt was dishevelled, and he looked tired. About as tired as you felt. He also smelled a little smoky. Wrapping the sheets around you, you shifted as he just ran his eyes over you.

"Where have you been?" You asked.

"Dealing with some things." He responded vaguely, looking down at his hands, rubbing his thumb over his palm as if he was trying to rub something off of it.

"Bucky...I don't...Is that blood?" You squeaked, rushing forward to grab his collar, which has small red flecks over it. He put his hand over yours and guided it away.

"Do you wanna eat?"

"I...no Bucky, I don't wanna eat." You groaned, rubbing your hands over your face. "I need to know what's going on!"

"I told you, I had some things to sort out."

You scoffed and threw the sheets off you, getting out of the bed, walking to the door with the intention of getting a glass of water to wake up properly, and calm down.

"When I asked for you at the club, it's because you reminded me of you." He said, still sitting on the bed.

You froze before you reached the door. You heard him shifting, and then his footsteps were walking across the room.

"The way you walked, how you acted, it made me think of you. And the reason I was there, the whole reason I was even at the club was because I needed...I've spent over a year trying not to act on the feelings I had for you. So...I needed someone who reminded me of you." His voice had dropped to a whisper by the time you felt him behind you.

You were breathing deeply, staring at the door with wide eyes as your brain processed his words. Your inhale was shaky when his fingers grazed your arm.

"I didn't like that I didn't know it was you." He continued, his fingers gliding down your shoulder blade, to the small of your back. "Because I wanted to be able to choose to do all of that...with you. I don't know how I didn't realise...I guess I never thought it would be possible to have you in that situation, to do that with you, so I never saw what was right in front of my face."

"Bucky I didn't-" You started to say as you turned around to face him.

"I'm not going to say that I understand why you didn't tell me." He interrupted as he put his hands on the door, either side of your head. "But I did realise something."

"What...what's that?"

"We've both been keeping secrets this whole time. About our jobs, about how we felt. And we've both been lashing out because of it. In some...twisted way, we're exactly the same. Now I don't know about you, but I don't have any more secrets to share. So I'm a bit done with being angry."

"I..." You swallowed. "Me too."

"And if we're both finally on equal footing..." He mused, one of his hands going to your hair, playing with a stray strand as he spoke. "The only question left is, what do we do now?" He muttered, his eyes looking between yours as you stared up at him with a dumbfounded expression.

"I didn't realise there were options." You replied instantly, making him smile.

"You think I would ask you to stay here if there were no options?" He said, with a slight chuckle. "As long as you're done slapping me Doll, and you actually listen when I tell you you're in danger, we have whatever options you want."

"I thought...I didn't think you'd want to carry any of this on. After what I did and-"

"What we both did. Like I said, I'm not perfect either. So, do you want to stop?" He asked, as you were frozen, captured by his intense gaze.

"Never." You whispered, before watching his lips curl into a smile. The hand he had on your jaw guided your mouth to his, capturing your lips in a deep kiss that made your toes want to curl into the carpet.

His other arm wrapped around your waist when he realised you were about to stumble from the movement, pulling and anchoring you against his body, while his tongue slipped between your lips.

When he pushed you back against the door, your hands flew up to his chest, the material of his shirt scrunching in your fists, and finally started kissing him back. He let out a little groan into your mouth, sensing your body responding to him, and his hands tightened on you, his kiss getting more urgent.

Moving your hands to his shoulders, you felt his hands slide down to your ass, gripping and tugging you upwards until your feet came off the floor. Wrapping your legs around him, he responded by pushing his hips against you, anchoring you between his body and the door as his tongue tangled with yours.

One of his hands ran down to your thigh, the other disappearing under the loose Tshirt you'd worn to bed, your skin shivering under his fingers as he ran them across your side. You arched into him, his hand instantly filled the gap between you and the door, then he stepped backwards as he held you to him. Kissing him with a chaotic eagerness, he walked over to the bed you'd just left, sitting down, and pulling you onto his lap. His mouth moved to your neck, giving you a moment to breathe, which you then struggled with as his teeth nipped your skin.

You felt the desire coursing through your veins, and you scrambled to undo his shirt buttons when his hand covered yours, making you still. He looked up at you.

"We're not doing that tonight." He muttered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

You blinked at him for a few seconds too long. He licked his lips briefly, moving his hands to your jaw and gently guiding you down for another kiss. One that you didn't return.

"Why?" You breathed, your brain finally catching up as you pulled away. "I thought-"

"I already know every inch of your body, Luka." He said in a matter-of-fact way, but it still made your body heat up. "I've worked with you for a year. But those were two separate things." He placed a kiss to your jaw. "Now it's like I'm discovering you for the first time, all of you." Another kiss landed on your neck. "And I refuse to rush it."

"So..." You paused. "You're...we're taking this slow?" The question came out as a breathy mumble, as his tongue ran over your collarbone, and one hand slid back round to your ass.


"Cos it doesn't feel like it."

"Slow doesn't mean boring, Doll." He quipped, with a light chuckle, his hand moving from your jaw down to the back of your neck, threading through your hair and tugging your head back so that he had more access to leave open mouthed kisses on your already burning skin. "Does this feel boring?"

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