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You directed him to finding Natasha once you both left the room, him following you closely behind. Natasha would arrange his payments, his schedule, and the NDAs (yes you had those here). Once that was sorted, you would be given the times that he would come to the club, and you would start being a sub for Mr Barnes.

The thought brought you mixed emotions. You felt angry that you'd fallen so easily into the role after all these years.

You felt aroused every time you remembered how easily you could submit to him.

You watched him discuss the finer details with Nat, but you couldn't ignore the fact that he kept looking over at you, with an incredibly pleased look on his face, as you were sitting at the bar sipping a drink.

"He must be very good." Pietro said from behind you, making you flinch in surprise. You swivelled round to face him. Then you sighed.

"He is." You admitted. "It's going to be a shit show for my personal life, but god. Even Noah didn't make me feel like that in the first session."

"Bold statement." Pietro whistled.

"Exactly. Plus, he's already talked about paying extra, and I'm sure Nat is currently squeezing him for all he's worth, so big boost for everyone."

Pietro laughed at your comment, and you continued your friendly discussion for a few more minutes before a hand appeared on the bar next to you. A strong hand, with a fancy watch, and a gorgeous suit jacket covering his arms.

You looked up slowly, already knowing it was him.

"Are you all sorted, Mr Barnes?" You asked with a playfulness in your words that he didn't miss for one second.

"I'll be seeing you on Thursday evening, Doll." He replied, holding his hand out for you to take, which you did. You assumed that Doll was what he had decided to call you. He kissed your knuckles again, holding your eye contact the whole time. Then he leaned to your ear. "I want you to wear that corset." He whispered, before moving back. You nodded once. Then he dropped your hand, and walked away, with you glancing over your shoulder to watch him.

"You're fucked." Pietro said from beside you.

"Fuck off." You laughed.

You found yourself trying to make the next two days go as quickly as possible at the office. The confidence you found yourself feeling towards the end of your first session with Bucky was translating to your day job. Getting the banter back into your conversations with him, finding that being around him wasn't as nerve wracking as it was when he first walked into the club.

Your session tested the dynamics. You showed him that while you submitted, you weren't submissive. And it gave you the courage to act more confident with him at work too. You were making more quips in conversation, being more honest about your opinions, and he seemed to be enjoying it as well. He was smiling at you more, thanking you more, making more jokes. While he wasn't exactly an asshole before, you could tell that he was always stressed about something. You wondered if meeting you at the club had unlocked some kind of relaxation within him, because that's how he seemed now; relaxed. As though he finally had a way to release his frustrations.

You wanted him to release those frustrations on you.

So, Thursday evening, you almost skipped to The Red Room. You'd agreed with Natasha to exchange some of the toys in Room 5, one of the exchanges including the flogger for the Nine Tails. Your skin was prickling at the thought.

Ruby helped you get ready in the staff area this time, whispering little questions to you as she tightened the corset around your waist. Questions about Mr Barnes. You just told her there was nothing to tell yet, that it was only in the early phases, even though that felt like a lie. You knew Bucky personally. Your first session whizzed through. Usually you wouldn't let them touch you that fast. Usually, you wouldn't let them blindfold you so early.

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