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You knew it wouldn't take long for Adrian to realise you were gone. But it would be long enough for you to get to Bucky's apartment. That was the only thing you could think of doing.

Nat and Pietro were safe at The Red Room. At least, you hoped they were, because you didn't seem to have your phone on you to warn them otherwise. The only other person you knew your father would go after was Bucky, so you at least needed to warn him. Your father wouldn't stop at just taking you. There had to have been another part of his plan. At least if Bucky knows, he could try and find out.

First, getting out of the basement room you were in was the most difficult bit. Uncle Tony had four basement rooms. Only one had access to the old basement side entrance from a vent cover that Tony never quite got fixed properly, although it wasn't the room you were currently in. That would be safer than traipsing through the entire house. So your initial step was getting into the right room.

Unfortunately, the locks on these doors were something that Tony had fixed, with fingerprint scanners and 5 pin double lock mechanisms. But your father didn't know that when you had started to realise that what he was doing was wrong, Tony had granted you access to free prisoners without having him directly involved. Now you just had to hope and pray that he never took you off the system, and work out how to get onto the other side to activate the scanner.

While looking around the room to find something that could help you, you heard the door mechanism start to click.

Someone was coming in.

You grabbed the chair from where you'd left it in the middle of the room, then quickly rushed behind the door, waiting for the person to come in with bated breath.

When they stepped forward, you smashed the chair around their head, making them stumble to the floor, dropping the plate of food they were apparently holding, then you jumped on their back, covering their mouth and nose with your hands, and waited for them to pass out.

Not the finest skill in your arsenal, but god damn if it wasn't helpful now.

You snuck out the door, checking the hallway and the stairs at the far corner for anyone else. The idiot had come on his own. Dickhead.

You counted the doors, until you found the second to last room, and pressed your finger to the scanner.

"Come on come on come onnnn." You muttered, waiting until it beeped green and the door unlocked. "Yes!"

Rushing into the room and pulling the door almost shut behind you, you headed over to the vent cover, grinning like a madman when it indeed just popped off in your hands, revealing a dirty, dusty crawlspace. You hurried through, reaching the end and carefully pushing the wooden door open, peeking out as soon as you were able to. The entrance led to the west side of Tony's plot of land, and you knew that in the southwest corner was a bush covering a hole you had made in the fence some years back.

Yeah, this wasn't your first time sneaking out of Tony's house.

Checking everywhere you could see before pushing the door completely open, you climbed out, and ran towards the southwest corner, seeing the bush standing just as it always had, and pulling the branches aside for you to slip through.

Okay, so it wasn't your first time sneaking out of Tony's house, but it had definitely been a long time since you had done this. The branches and fence edges were catching you, tugging your clothes, grazing your skin as you shimmied through the hole that felt a lot tighter than you remembered.

But you made it.

You glanced back at the house, still silent, unaware of your escape for now, and ran. Realising you must have looked like a convict or hospital patient as you ran through the streets covered in mud and dried blood, you decided to take as many side streets as possible. It would also mean you were less likely to be noticed by Adrian's patrols.

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