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By the time Thursday rolled around, it had yet again been another few days where Bucky hadn't so much as touched you. It seemed to be the new dynamic - you get close, do something, and then he would need a few days to cool off, and not be around you. The fact that you still hadn't slept in the same room was weird too. Almost as weird as the fact that you hadn't had sex yet, after all these months. Despite the fact that it was the one thing you wanted to do.

It made working at the office very tricky. It made living together very tricky as well.

It made you confused on where you stood with him.

The last you spoke about it, you were giving this a go, as in you and him being together. And yet, nothing had really happened that screamed 'relationship'. Even the fun banter you used to have before was gone, replaced by simple conversations, intense stares, and not seeing each other for hours.

So tonight, you had a newly discovered determination to set everything straight. To put your feelings on the line and see what he said back.

While you were in your bedroom, you'd heard him come back, his footsteps echoing outside your door, until it sounded like he headed into the study. You waited for 10 minutes, then decided to investigate. Walking around the apartment, as casually as you could, you looked into each room that was open, seeing if you could spot him.

The absence of his figure, and the silence surrounding you told you that he was definitely in his study.

With that decided, you walked over, not even bothering to knock before walking in. His head snapped up from staring at the paperwork on his desk.

"Luka?" He asked, as you shut the door behind you and walked over. "Back to not knocking are we?"

"We have things to discuss, Mr Barnes." You stated, putting your hands on the desk when you approached it, and leaning on them.

"Do we?" He countered, throwing his pen down and leaning back in his chair as he stared at you. "By all means, share your agenda."

You narrowed your eyes at the smirk on his lips, and you pushed yourself off the desk, standing straight and folding your arms over your chest.

"Are we together or not?" You queried, bluntly, and relishing in how his face fell in response. "Because I genuinely can't tell, and it's starting to piss me off to be honest."

His eyes hardened at your words, and you saw his jaw tense as he thought over his answer.

After a few seconds, he held out his hand and beckoned you to come closer.

When you didn't move, he raised an eyebrow.

Dropping your arms from your chest, you slowly walked around the desk, then hesitantly slid your hand into his. He tugged, pulling you into him, and making you fall into his lap.

"Bucky!" You squealed as you fell into him, but he grabbed your thigh and manoeuvred you expertly to lay a knee either side of his hips, then wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Where is this coming from?" He asked, looking up at you intently, as you exhaled loudly to recover from the movement.

"It's coming from the fact I've barely spoken to you in four days." You huffed in reply.

"I've been busy."

"You're always busy. But ever since we started...this," You gestured between you. "You've been outright avoiding me."

"Was I avoiding you in the kitchen last weekend?" He quipped, making your body flush with heat at the memory. "At the office?"

"That's not what I mean-"

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