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You were right. He did need to be in control after what happened that day. He'd tied you up completely with the rope, your arms pinned to your sides, your thighs pressed together, which instantly told you that you weren't going to get much satisfaction out of today. He used his fingertips, the pinwheel, the strands of the Nine Tails to graze your skin, to tease you, you make you shiver, for hours. You had the corset on, and nothing else at this point. You just sat patiently on your knees, waiting for the moment of impact. When it came, when the Nine Tails smacked against the top of your thigh, your core instantly flooded your underwear with wetness. You were completely at his mercy, and he fucking knew it.

His goal today was to make you do the work, to listen to his instructions, to the fucking letter. Which you did. You answered him when questioned, called him Sir every time, moved where he wanted you, closed your eyes, let him take your underwear off, opened your mouth as requested.

This moment was the one that tested you the most though. Your eyes were closed, him trusting you to obey without the blindfold. He asked you to move forward, which you did, carefully lifting onto your knees and shifting until he told you to stop. He gripped the knots on your chest, holding you up, and after a few seconds, he finally told you to sit back down.

You flinched when you felt something at your core.

"Down, Doll." He growled. Swallowing, you rolled your hips slightly, trying to feel what the object was. As you slowly lowered yourself down, you bit your bottom lip as the dildo pushed into you. It was one with a suction cup on the bottom, that he'd put on the floor, clearly with the intention of making you fuck yourself on it as he watched.

With a shaky breath, you kept sinking until its full length was inside, the girth big enough to comfortably stretch you, and you fought the insane urge to rock your hips on it. You fought the urge to ask him to touch your throbbing clit.

"How does that feel?" He asked, his voice sounding very close, as though he'd crouched down beside you.

"Good, sir...thank you." You breathed as you held your position.

"Open your eyes." He ordered, and you obeyed immediately, seeing him standing up in front of you, his fingers undoing his belt buckle.

You glanced up at his eyes, silently asking the question, but he just smiled, undid his trouser button as well, leaving it open as he bent down to grab your jaw.

"We haven't done this yet, but I'm assuming you'll be making another exception for me Doll." He said softly, a twisted way of getting your consent. "You're going to do all the work this time, got it?"

You nodded eagerly, and he let go of you, walking over to the chair and pulling it so that when he sat down in it, he was right in front of you, his knees level with your shoulders. You leaned forward as he pushed his trousers down slightly, grabbing his cock, and freeing it from the material.

It stood hard, erect, in his hand, and you swallowed slightly as you took in the size. You'd seen it, felt it briefly, but always in the confines of his trousers. It looked a lot bigger than it had felt then. He caught your wide eyes, and smiled as he pumped himself a couple of times. Then he grabbed your ponytail, and pulled you forwards.

Licking your lips, you flicked your eyes up to his briefly before focusing on the task that was making your stomach clench. As you leant forwards, you felt the dildo sliding out of you, as you gasped at the feeling, your body freezing.

But he didn't like that.

He tugged your ponytail again, rocking his hips up at the same time, forcing his cock to slip into your mouth, and as soon as you felt him on your tongue, your eyes closed. His grip on your hair relaxed, silently telling you that you were now in control, and you didn't waste any time.

You tested the position, not being able to use your hands, the way your body moved as you took more of him in your mouth, your hips lifting, then sliding back to suck on the tip of his cock as you sat back down on the dildo. You quickly worked out a rhythm, where you were fucking yourself on the dildo, and his cock was fucking your mouth.

You opened your mouth wider, moving back so that he slid back out, slowly running your tongue on the underneath of his dick, your eyes looking up into his. Your core throbbed when you saw him bite his bottom lip, and you moved back to take him again, sucking as you bobbed up and down, moving your whole body with the movement, the dildo pushing into you every time you moved back. You didn't hold back your moans, revelling in the way his cock twitched each time as the vibrations shot through him. His fingers kept tightening in your hair every so often, usually when his cock reached the back of your throat, and your tongue swirled around it as you slid him back out.

You spent a while trying to give the most teasing blowjob you'd ever given. Trying to cover every inch of his cock with your lips, your tongue, going slow, purposefully, tiny moments of fast movements, of him at the back of your throat. You wanted to see how much he would put up with.

Plus, going fast meant that it would be over. And getting fucked the same time as giving head was something that you never wanted to be over. It ignited something deep in your fantasies, made your blood feel like it was on fire, and made you feel like you were the sexiest person alive. It was a situation that you'd only been in a few times, so regardless of whether it was a person or a dildo between your legs, you wanted to drag it out as long as possible.

He didn't seem to be on the same wavelength this time.

Having spent the whole time in silence up until now, it surprised you when he suddenly spoke.

"Faster, Doll." He muttered, his fingers tightening slightly in your hair. When you didn't change your pace, his grip intensified, and he pulled you completely off. "What did I fucking say?" He growled.

"To...go...faster." You whimpered. "Sorry Sir."

He didn't reply. He just pushed your head back down to his cock, his other hand gripping the base and angling it into your mouth. You went faster, your mouth and your tongue moving over him quicker each time. Apparently you still weren't going fast enough, because before you knew it, he started rocking his hips up to fuck your mouth.

You groaned in frustration, and looked up at him, trying to convey your disdain that he wouldn't let you do it yourself.

He just bit his lip briefly, grit his teeth, and moved his hips faster, pushing your head down so that his cock hit the back of your throat each time. Relaxing your throat, you let him use you, watching his head roll back on the chair as his hips started stuttering. You took the opportunity to suck him harder as he slammed his cock into your mouth, licking the underside with your tongue, and started to move with him when you heard his moan above you.

"Fuck, Doll, shit..." He panted as you felt him throb in your mouth, telling you that he was getting closer.

Suddenly, he pulled you by the hair, his cock sliding out of your mouth completely, and he stroked himself to his climax, his lips crashing to yours as he came all over your chest.

You gasped at the action, at the kiss, his tongue delving into your mouth as his groans made your body vibrate.

He was kissing you. In The Red Room. As a client.

As he pulled back, his chest heaving with his breaths, his hand relaxing around his dick, he seemed to realise what he did. He looked into your eyes, which were staring back at him in confusion, your mouth still parted from the kiss.

You'd talked about kissing before. You said that you didn't usually do it with clients, and if you did, you would talk to them beforehand about it. The reason you'd not had that conversation with Bucky yet, was because of the complications of it all, of the fact that you were keeping this secret from him. And also because you felt that if you kissed him as Doll, you'd find it too hard not to kiss him as Luka.

Now, you've already done it in both worlds.

He didn't say a word. You saw his adam's apple bob as he swallowed, his eyes flicking between yours, and then he pushed you back as he stood, and walked over to the table, straightening his trousers. Grabbing a cloth, he came back over to you, crouching behind you as his heart was hammering in his chest, and he undid the ropes binding your body.

You felt them slack on your skin, but you didn't dare turn to look at him. He put the cloth on your thigh, and then you heard him walk to the door, and close it behind him as he left.

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