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The hair and makeup crew left 15 minutes before Bucky was due back. After you'd put the dress on, with Leo's help, they did a bit of touching up, making sure your makeup hadn't smudged, changing your lip colour, and reshaping some strands of hair that had fallen out with you getting the dress on.

In your last few moments of solitude, while Steve was in Bucky's room getting ready, you decided to set up for Bucky's arrival.

You poured a couple of glasses of wine, placing both on the coffee table in the lounge. You set the box with the chain beside them. You put your shoes by the door, choosing a pair you already owned. A pair you had worn a few times at the Red Room with Bucky.

Leo had made you eat before you put the dress on, so you were content sipping your glass of wine and waiting for..


The term seemed so juvenile in terms of your relationships. It sounded tenuous. Naive. And nothing about you or Bucky was naive. Especially when you consider your past.

Having clearly spent a few minutes spiralling into that particular thought process, you suddenly heard the lock of the front door click. It made your spine straighten, and your leg crossed over the other, reminding you that you were in fact, wearing nothing but the dress. You glanced at the coffee table, checking everything was still in place, then looked up at the doorway, where Bucky was now walking in.

And came to a stop.

"Wow, Luka you look..." He trailed off as his eyes ran over you, making you revel in the way he was looking at you.

You stood up, putting your glass on the table and then held your hands out to the side.

"Good?" You prompted, and you saw him swallow.

"No, more than good. So much that I'm dangerously close to retracting my invite." He murmured, before taking two, three strides across the room, grabbing your neck and crashing his mouth to yours.

You melted in his touch, surrendering to his mouth, but then you remembered your makeup, that took over 2 hours to put on, and gently pushed him back slightly,

"You can't ruin my makeup." You said, breathlessly, and one look in his eyes said that your makeup was the last thing he cared about right now.

Instead, his attention had been drawn elsewhere. Specifically to where his palm was now sliding down your empty chest.

"You're not wearing it." He said.

"I was waiting for you."


"So that you could put it on me yourself." You smiled, before pointing down at the box on the table. He smiled back, then took his hands off you to pick up the box, open it, and pull the piece of jewellery out.

The choker button snapped apart easily in his fingers, and he circled it round your neck, your already hypersensitive skin prickling as his hands grazed you and closed the clasp. Then he held his fingers under the chain, running down the length of it so that it lay neatly between your breasts and over the top of the dress.

It was a moment before he looked back up at you. Before you felt like you could breathe again. There was something so intimate about what he was doing, what it meant, that you didn't want to risk breaking the spell you were both under.

It meant something, the necklace. You weren't completely sure what, but you knew it was something.

"I like seeing my name on your neck." He mused, and your next exhale was shorter and sharper than it had been before. Instead of holding back your thoughts this time, you felt the need to say them, to bare your soul and mind to the man that had completely stolen your heart.

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