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You could feel everyone's eyes switching between you and Bucky, the air completely still as they waited with bated breath to see what their boss would do. You could see Bucky's mind spinning, figuring out how to react, what impression his next action would give. His eyes were narrowed, staring at you, as if daring you to speak to him in front of his employees like that again. Steve's hand had also dropped off your back, and now your skin felt cold.

It felt like hours passed before Bucky spoke, but you knew it had only been mere seconds.

"Fine." He said. But in that one word, you could tell he was seething. That you had argued back in front of his people. That you were interrupting. His shoulders were tense as he stormed past you to his bedroom, and you rushed to follow him, ignoring the slow build of mutters that you were starting to hear from behind you.

Bucky held the door open, staring at the floor as you walked in, stopping just before his bed and taking a deep breath in.

Then the door slammed shut and you flinched.

"Bucky-" You started to say, turning around to face him. His face was thunderous as he walked towards you.

"You will not speak to me like that ever again." He ordered.

"I have before."

"Not in front of them."

"It's important." You pleaded. Something must have changed. He must have just noticed the look in your eyes, because suddenly his expression relaxed, his shoulders dropped, and he put his hands on your arms.

"Luka, what's going on?"

You licked your dry bottom lip, and took another breath. It was like the words were there, right there at the front of your mind, but something was stopping them from forming in your mouth.

Suddenly, Bucky pulled you to his chest and hugged you.

"Hey, it's okay." He comforted, and you felt his lips kiss the top of your head. "I know it's scary. But I'm taking care of it. I promise."

"It's not..I mean yes I know, but that's not what I..." You replied, pushing him away and walking around him, as though pacing the room would help you think of how to ease him into your confession.

"Was it last night?" He asked, making you spin round to face him. "When we got back?"

"No! No, god no." You rushed to say. Honestly, after everything that had happened today, you'd completely forgotten about last night. "No, that was...great. Really."

He didn't seem convinced, and you understood why. You could see from his side, without all the information, why you being antsy would make him think it was sex related. After all, that was the last time you two were alone together. So he had nothing else to correlate to your weird behaviour.

"I need to know what's going on." You decided to say.

"Luka, I really don't have time-"

"I thought you went to see the guy? A meeting?" You interrupted, his arms crossing over his chest when he realised you weren't going to let this go. "You said I could be involved."

"In my day to day. Not this. This is too dangerous."

"I disagree."

He sighed, and rubbed his chin with one hand.

"I did see him. And he...proposed something. I guess since the meeting, he had a change of heart."

Or a realisation that his daughter was sleeping with the enemy.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now