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Towering over you as your mouths separated, he smiled at you looking up at him in confusion. It was his turn to lead, pushing into you in strong, hard strokes, his hand leaving your neck and moving to the bed beside you, supporting him as he started kissing down your neck.

"Are those your demands, Doll?" He muttered into your neck. "That I spend more time fucking you?"

"That's not the only thing I said." You breathed back, smiling as your eyes closed at the sensation of his tongue trailing over your skin.

"Uh uh," He tutted, his mouth going dangerously close to your nipple. "One step at a time, Doll."

You hummed in response, willing to play his game for a moment, and allowing yourself to sink into the bed as the waves of pleasure rolled through you with each thrust. Sliding your hands round his waist to his back, you felt each muscle move as he snapped his hips to you, and you dug your fingernails into his skin.

Moaning loudly into the air as he fucked you again and again, he finally started to slow down, just enough to make you lift your head up to look at him.

"What are you doing?" You asked, making him just chuckle as he pulled his mouth away from your neck to look at you.

"I'm giving you what you wanted." He replied, before clenching his teeth and pushing into you with one hard, deep thrust. "And yet, you're still complaining. It's very disrespectful."

"Bucky!" You groaned as the feeling speared through you, making you suddenly need to grab him more, pulling him closer, trying to crash your mouth to his. He held himself back, watching you scramble for some kind of relief, choosing instead to keep fucking you in slow, harsh strokes, each one making you louder and louder.

"You are so needy, so desperate, aren't you Doll?" He teased, his smile growing wider at each of your failed attempts of pulling him down, while he kept his mouth just out of your reach.

"Bucky please..." You whimpered, the spiralling, overwhelming need you felt for him searing through your body, while the steady, almost passive way he was fucking you was doing nothing to quell it. Moving your hands to his waist, hips, you tried to tug to tell him to go faster, harder, but he retaliated in the opposite way.

He pulled out of you, making you moan loudly from a mixture of discontent and unfulfilled desire. Then he sat back on his knees, grabbed your hips, and rolled you over onto your stomach. Before you could even process the movement, he slammed his cock back inside you, causing a loud cry to burst from your lips.

This time, he started fucking you hard. And fast. You buried your head into the sheets, the material crushing in your hands as you fisted them, trying to breathe in between his thrusts.

"Do you want to know why I haven't touched you?" He growled into your ear, the sound shivering down your spine. "It's because everytime I look at you, I'm reminded that some assholes dared to even try and take a shot at you."

He thread his fingers through your hair and sharply tugged your head up. The prickle in your scalp made you gasp, but his body pressing down on your back, his breath on your ear, the snap of his hips as his thrusted into you over and over, made you throb around his cock.

"And I won't fucking rest," He continued in a whisper. "Until they pay for putting you in danger."

"Bucky, I..." You panted. "I get...that but...thats not my fault...you can't ignore me while you're...fuck!"

Your sentence trailed off into a loud whimper as he sped up, whether to stop you from talking, or from his own emotions taking over. Either way, it set your body on fire, making you limp as his hold on you tightened, feeling your back, your forehead starting to sweat. It was a few seconds before you could catch your breath enough to speak again.

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