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The next few minutes felt like a chaotic blur, sounds slipping through your lips and filling the empty room as you kissed, bodies arching and rocking against each other in eagerness as he pressed you down onto the bed.

His hand slid down to your thigh, his fingers wrapping around you and digging in possessively as he pulled your leg up to his hips. Mirroring his action on the other side, you lost yourself in the taste of his tongue while his hands continued moving up, catching the bottom of your top and starting to push it over your stomach.

He trailed his lips down your jaw, down your neck, taking his time to lick, bite, then suck your skin. Like he was trying to claim every inch of your body. The different sensations were swirling down your spine as you just breathed through the movements, your eyelids fluttering closed. You felt him on your collarbone, on your chest, just above the neck of your Tshirt, then his mouth was by your belly button, his tongue tracing a circle around it, before a soft kiss was placed by your hip bone.

You shuddered as your back arched, pushing your body further into his mouth, a loud exhale falling from your lips as his hands pushed your Tshirt to just below your breasts.

Scared to say something, to break the thick silence, you waited in anticipation, his kisses moving up your body, over your ribs, but you were hoping, wishing for more. Desperate for something to happen, you put your hands in his hair, raking your fingers through the strands, tugging on them slightly, hoping he would get the message to hurry the fuck up. Wanting to race to the end before he changed his mind.

He smiled against your skin, but he did not move any faster. He knew exactly what he was doing to you. What he did do, was move one hand back to your thigh, and slowly move it up, gliding over your skin, until he could grip the flesh of your ass. Your hips rocked up into his touch reflexively, causing a growl to emanate from Bucky.

Putting his other hand on the bed beside your hip, he finally pulled his lips away to look up at you. Feeling the break in his actions, you opened your eyes and looked down.

He started moving up your body, your belly button, your stomach, his eyes never leaving yours as he skipped over your Tshirt, until his face was level with you. His nose brushed against yours, as your mouth shuddered open. Without saying anything, he slipped one arm around your waist, then rolled you both over.

Once on his back, he ran both hands up your waist, up your back, like he needed to touch every inch of you. One hand disappeared in your hair, grasping it in his fist, and he gently tugged your head back a little.

"Buck.." You whined, disliking the space between you. He responded by placing soft, light kisses in a trail down your jaw, to your neck, before moving back up to your ear.

"I want you to take these clothes off." He said, his voice a whisper, but his words stern, and commanding.

The arousal speared through you, and you rushed to put your hands on his chest and push yourself up, his hand falling from your hair. Putting one hand beside him, he shifted back so that he could lean against your headboard, but he quickly put his hands back on your hips. You could see the lust in his eyes, his pupils wide as his gaze ran over you, before pausing at where your hands were now gripping the bottom of your Tshirt.

Quickly pulling it over your head, you expected a rush of cold air, but the room, your skin, where he was touching you, it all felt so hot, thick, tense. You didn't make any other movements, just breathing deeply as you watched him watch you.

"Such a good girl." He said, his fingers tightening on your hips, making you instinctively arch into his touch. He dragged his hands up the sides of your body, sitting up to leave a soft kiss to your collarbone, his eyes still on yours as he moved down to your chest, the swell of your breast. His hand came to join, cupping your chest as his mouth covered your nipple.

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