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Bucky had ignored your initial shock at his suggestion of taking you to shoot guns. He had simply handed you your coffee, told you that you needed to be ready in 20 minutes, and left the kitchen.

You blinked at the empty doorway for a good minute before the smell of the coffee in your hand brought you back to your senses.

Shooting a gun was a very particular skill set. A very handy skill set when you are involved with the Mafia. And the fact that he was going to teach you this skill set, was because he was assuming that you didn't know how to shoot a gun.

But you did.

Your brain kept your mind occupied as you finished your coffee, as you got dressed, and as you left the apartment with Bucky. You could play this many different ways. Lying, being honest, being half honest...

By the time you'd gotten to your destination, you hadn't made up your mind, because you were suddenly trying to work out where you were. It didn't look like any gun range you'd been to before. It looked more like a country club, where the wealthy had spa visits, and yet, you were being led down a path by one of the staff members, with Bucky, with Steve and Sam behind you, as though this was definitely the right place to shoot a gun.

You knew why he was bringing you, even though he hadn't explicitly told you the reasons. He wanted you to be able to shoot, because it's dangerous to be in business with the Mob. It was dangerous to be with him.

As the path unfurled and winded through shielded, forest looking areas, you ended up at a large field, with some targets at one end, and numerous tables of guns and bullets at the other.

It made you stop in your tracks as a distant memory played in your mind, but you quickly recovered yourself when Bucky put his hand on your back and guided you forwards.

The staff member disappeared without you noticing, and Steve and Sam took a stance on either end of the tables, so that they could keep an eye on the surrounding area, while you faced the targets you'd be shooting at.

"So," Bucky said as he led you over to the tables. "Have you ever shot a gun before?"

"I...yes." You said. Guess you were going with the truth. One of his eyebrows raised at your answer, and he reached over for a simple semi-automatic pistol, quickly getting the correct bullets off the table and loading the chamber. Then, he handed you some ear defenders, and got some for himself.

He watched as you walked over to Steve and passed him your defenders.

"What's this for?" Steve asked.

"Nat would kill me if I was the reason you couldn't hear her shouting at you anymore." You teased, making him laugh, and he put them on. As you walked back to the middle of the table, you saw Bucky had passed Sam some as well, and was walking back to you with a small smile on his lips.

Taking your own pair of defenders and putting them on, you took the gun out of Bucky's hands, pointing it down as you adjusted your grip on it.

"Point, squeeze and shoot." Bucky said simply, gesturing to the targets ahead of you. "We'll see what we're starting with."

You looked ahead at the target, one of those red and white circles that they use for archery. You raised the gun, aiming for the centre, closing your left eye as you lined it up. With your thumb, you flicked off the safety, and saw Bucky's eyebrows raise again in your peripherals, and then you squeezed the trigger.

The bullet shot through the centre of the target.

The next two you shot hit the same spot.

All three men stared at it, then one by one, they turned round to you. Bucky was last to look at you.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now