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Your eyes widened slightly at his answer. No one called Mr Barnes 'Bucky', no one except you, and his family, he said. So hearing Steve call him Bucky, it meant something.

"What do you mean?" You asked, your voice quieter this time. He noticed, and he loosened his grip on you.

"Bucky asked me to follow you."

"Why does he need to do that?"

Steve dropped his hold on you completely, and you stabilised yourself on your feet.

"You know the answer to that." Steve replied. "He decided to check the security cameras from Thursday night, after someone left their phone on his desk."

You gulped. So Bucky knew. And apparently this Steve knew too. You should have been more scared, but the way Steve was looking down at you felt...reassuring. Somewhat.

"So what," You scoffed, brushing the wall-dust off the back of your outfit. "He's got you following me to make sure I don't blab or something?"

"You'll have to ask him the specifics on that. He just told me to keep an eye on you."

"And you're just going to follow me around all the time?"

"When you're not at work." Steve smiled. "There's enough security at the office for him to keep tabs on you."

You breathed. You couldn't have Steve following you outside of work. Because then he would find out about your other job.

"Take me to him." You said.

"I'm sorry?"

"Take me to Bucky. I need to talk with him."

"He's busy tonight." Steve smirked as he folded his arms over his chest. You mirrored his actions.

"I don't care." You growled, keeping his eye contact until he broke. But he never did.

"He's busy." Steve repeated, and you groaned loudly, storming off towards your apartment. "Where are you going?"

"Well if I can't speak to him yet, I'll have to go home won't I?" You scoffed. As you walked, Steve stayed silent. And as you walked, you realised exactly why Bucky was busy tonight.

He was supposed to be meeting you at The Red Room.

You texted Nat on your way to your apartment, keeping the phone tilted away from Steve's view, telling her that you had stuff on tonight, and wouldn't be able to come in, but that you would call her in 20 minutes to explain. She immediately texted you back, you could feel it buzzing in your pocket, but you kept acting nonchalant as you made your way to your apartment.

"Are you going to be sitting inside my flat?" You asked Steve as you put your keys in the door.

"No, I can watch from outside."

"Won't it look suspicious if I have a giant man outside my door all night?" You countered, and he tried to hide a smile at your 'giant' comment.

"That's their problem. My priority is you. I can monitor who comes to the hallway, I can hear if anything happens inside. Make sure you lock your windows and shut your blinds the second you walk in, okay?" He asked, in a very concerned manner. It made you feel like trusting him, so you nodded.

Then you thought that trusting the guy who helped Bucky kill someone probably wasn't the wisest idea.

Either way, you went into your apartment, locked the windows and closed the blinds, as instructed. You then locked your front door, looked through the peephole to see Steve standing there diligently, and got your phone out of your pocket, dialling Nat's number and heading to the bathroom.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now