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When you woke up the next day, Bucky had already left. He barely had any sleep, tossing and turning over everything that had happened in the last 48 hours.

Kissing his secretary, kissing his submissive. The two things that he should never have done, and he did them both in the same fucking day.

You, he understood why he'd done it. But at the Red Room...he couldn't place the reason. He couldn't quite put it into words yet. Something in his body acted before his brain could stop it.

So he'd headed to the office early, with the intention that he would try and get something done by the time you got there, and so he could try and work out what he was supposed to say to you.

He called The Red Room and cancelled his session that night. Nat told you straight after he'd spoken to her. You couldn't say that you were surprised.

Nat didn't mention the kiss. You were expecting her too, seeing as she would have been on the cameras, but she never said a word. Her voice sounded different though. Softer. Concerned. She obviously knew that 'Luka' had kissed Bucky just before 'Mistress/Doll' kissed Bucky, so maybe she was letting you process it all in your own time.

It was proving very difficult to work out what you were supposed to do about it all. By the time you arrived at the office, you genuinely had no idea how to handle it. Steve had asked you a couple of questions on the way, trying to make conversation, but all you could do was give him one word answers.

You went into your office chewing your lip, put down your bag, and just tried to focus on your tasks for the day.

At 11am, your phone rang.

"Barnes Global." You answered robotically.

"Luka, come over for a minute." Came Bucky's voice on the other end. Your heart immediately got faster. "Luka?"

"Yes, yes. I'll be right there." You stuttered back, placing the phone back on the receiver, and just staring at it for a second. Well, you thought, here we go.

You walked slowly out of your office, and to his. You knocked, and walked in without waiting for his response.

"You don't need to start knocking." He said bluntly as he threw down the piece of paper he was holding onto the desk behind him. He was standing in front of his desk, leaning against it, and he folded his arms over his chest as he looked at you.

"Sorry." You replied, walking towards him. "How can I help Mr Barnes?"

He raised one eyebrow at your question. Stared at you. Scrutinised you.

"You can stop calling me Mr Barnes for a start." He finally answered. You nodded, looking at the floor. "I want to say sorry."

You whipped your head back up to him.


"I'm sorry. For the other night. For here in the office." He paused to take a breath. "I shouldn't have done that."

You just blinked at him, not understanding why he was apologising one bit, but thinking it had something to do with last night.

"There's been a lot going on." He continued, walking round his desk to his chair, and sitting down in it. "With you almost being taken. Moving in with me. It blurred the lines, and I overstepped."

"I...don't understand." You frowned. "Did you...are you saying you shouldn't have kissed me?"

"Yes." He said, but there was a bite in his voice.

"But you wanted to?"

He leaned his elbow on the arm on the chair, and ran his finger over his bottom lip as he stared at you.

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