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It's like his brain had clicked into place all of a sudden. Like he hadn't quite worked out what you were trying to do before, but it had somehow now made sense. Either way, you were glad he was finally on the same page as you.

He'd grabbed your neck, pulling you to him as he kissed you, deep, his tongue delving instantly into your mouth as he held the phone away. Reaching between the two of you, your fingers wrapped around his cock, making him hiss against your lips. You rushed to clamp your other hand over his mouth, nodding to the phone he was holding when he opened his eyes to frown at you. Smirking at him, you kissed his jaw, down his neck, watching him breathe deeply as he brought the phone back to his ear, your hand coming away from his mouth, his eyes trained on you as you started to stroke him with the other. He pulsed in your hand, and you felt him getting harder and harder each second. His attempts to continue his phone conversation were getting more and more strained and stuttered, and you felt absolutely no remorse at all.

His hand moved to your hair when you leant down, sliding his cock into your mouth.

"Fuck!" He said loudly from above you. "Uh..sorry Danvers, that's not at you."

You licked the underside of him as you looked up, smirking when you caught him giving you an irritated look, knowing that he wasn't actually irritated one bit. You slipped him back into your mouth, moving as slowly as you could to make sure that Danvers didn't hear any more sounds from either of you. His hand was heavy on your head, almost urging you to move down further, faster. And you obeyed.


When you slowed back down, his hand curled into a fist, making your scalp sting as he gripped your hair, rocking his hips at the same time as pushing you down, making his cock hit the back of your throat suddenly.

You moaned as the feeling shot through you, which just made him do it again in an attempt to make you quiet. By the time you realised you should have been trying to silence your noises, he'd already gotten annoyed, and pulled you back up to face him.

"This was your idea," He hissed as he held you centimetres from his own lips. "But I can always make you stop if you can't be quiet."

Danvers was still chatting away, blissfully unaware of the situation that was unfolding as Bucky held the phone away from the two of you. Unaware of the fact that her boss had just given you his blessing to go as far as you wanted with him, as long as you didn't make any noises.

And you wanted to go as far as you could.

You leaned back down, enveloping his cock with your mouth, making sure your tongue swirled around his length as much as it could, sucking him hard between your movements. You heard him return to the phone conversation, something about making arrangements for tomorrow evening, but you were too engrossed in your new mission.

He said he'd stop if you couldn't be quiet.

He said nothing about him being quiet.

Moving one hand to wrap around the base of his cock, you moved the other to his balls, carefully rolling them, squeezing them, trying to match the rhythm of your movements with him sliding in and out of your mouth.

You could sense him struggling to keep his composure, his body shaking ever so slightly each time you moved. You could hear the slight stutter in his words as he talked into the phone. You didn't miss the sigh of relief he let out when you slid him out of your mouth for the last time, and started moving off your knees.

He held your gaze as he watched you straddle his lap, taking your TShirt off as you did, showing him that you were wearing nothing underneath.

His hand instantly covered your breast, squeezing it playfully before moving his hand round to the middle of your back, pulling you closer, leaning up as far as he could as your face inched towards him.

You decided to tease him, at least a little. Smiling, you stopped just before your lips touched his, and you heard him make a small, annoyed noise.

Instead of giving in, instead of kissing him, you start pushing down your shorts. You were incredibly glad you were only wearing some oversized, pyjama shorts, which slipped down easily, only having to move back a little to rid them from your legs. Bucky's fingers dug into your back as you came back to sit on his lap, feeling your wetness covering his puĺsing cock, his teeth clenched together in an attempt to make no audible reaction.

He breathed as his tongue ran over his bottom lip, his eyes darting between yours while you stared back innocently, as though you weren't now grinding against him.

Knowing he was seconds away from losing your little game, you waited until he started speaking to Danvers again, before starting to kiss his neck, before sliding your hand from his shoulder down to his cock.

You heard him stutter when you gripped him. You heard him go silent when you lifted your hips, moving closer, and starting to slide your core over the head of his cock.

"I'll call you back." He suddenly blurted into the phone, before hanging up and chucking it across the room. Before you could even gasp at the sound of his phone thudding to the floor, he wrapped his newly free hand around your waist and pulled you down, slamming into you.

"Fuck!" You cried out, refusing to hold back anymore now that you knew the call had ended. He held you still, keeping a harsh grip on you as you caught your breath.

"You thought that was funny Doll?" He growled. "Interrupting a very important phone call, just for some attention?"

"Not…funny.." You panted as you struggled in his hold, very aware that you were absolutely no longer in control. "But," You added, with a slight smile. "I did get what I wanted."

"Is that so? We'll see if you're still saying that after I’m done punishing you, by not letting you cum."

"What? Wait, Bucky that's -"

His hand came to the front of your neck, and a gentle squeeze gave you all the warning you needed. His other hand started to slowly move you over him, grinding his cock into you.

"That's what? Exactly what you deserved after the stunt you pulled? I completely agree." He smiled wickedly, loosening his grip on your neck, but leaving his hand there.

His other hand moved to your ass, his fingers digging into your flesh, and you felt him guiding your movements. Forcing you to roll your hips forwards and backwards, the pace a lot slower than you would have liked, but no less intense.

It gave you a moment to construct your argument back.

"I only did it because its been days since you touched me properly." You finally spoke up, starting to grind against him of your own accord now. "I've had a little kiss here and there, but actually touching me? Giving me what I needed?" You punctuated your sentence by sliding your hands over his chest, his neck, to his hair, tugging his hair the tiniest bit so he had to let his head fall back.

"And what do you think you needed?" He asked, his question sounding a little breathless as you started to pick up the pace.

"You, not in a separate room." You said, and you saw his jaw tense. "Letting me in on some of your conversations would be nice. As would a little more of this…" You whispered before kissing him.

You felt him hesitate at first, but after a few seconds, he responded, started kissing you back, the hand on your neck sliding round to the back, to hold you closer as he licked his way into your mouth.

Not wanting to risk giving him a chance to argue against your requests, you deepened the kiss, and slid your hands down to his shoulders, applying a little pressure to urge him to lay down. He complied, albeit it slowly, first leaning back on his elbows, before finally fully laying back, keeping the hand on your neck in place so that he didn't have to break the kiss for a second.

You led the movements, rolling your hips rhythmically, starting to build up the tension burning low in your abdomen at your own pace, setting the standard that you were in charge right now.

But he didn't let you stay in charge for long. It started with him grinded his hips into yours, matching your movements to punctuate each one even further. Making your moans start to get louder and louder each time. His hold on your neck, on your waist getting tighter and tighter, until suddenly, he rolled you both over.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now