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You could actively feel your heart thumping in your throat as Bucky all but shoved you in the waiting car outside. When he slammed the door shut, walking around to the other side, you felt overwhelmed by the silence in the car as Sam turned the ignition on. Bucky was getting in, so was Steve, and then the car was moving.

The guys started talking immediately, trying to work out between them why they'd been let out of the building with no consequences, why the sudden change of heart, what on earth they could be planning. It was a heightened conversation, each of them wired to fuck as they tried to understand what the fuck just happened. The uncertainty was fuelling their rage, only able to ask rhetorical questions as they planned their next point of action.

Each word felt like it was slapping you in the face, a horrid reminder that you had all the answers, but you couldn't say a single thing about it.

You knew Bucky felt that it was some kind of ploy. But you knew the truth about why that man had suddenly thrown a curveball, an almost peace offering.

You hadn't said anything in minutes. It felt like as soon as you opened your mouth, you'd throw up.

Why was he here?

You looked over at Bucky, who was frowning as he looked between Sam and Steve, speaking in a tone that did nothing to relax the situation at all, Sam keeping his eyes on the road, but gesturing enough that you could still feel the emotions rolling off him, the same that you could feel from all of them.

Anger. Confusion. Vulnerability.

You were all feeling it. Just in painfully obvious different ways.

Looking down at your fingers, they felt numb and tingly all at once. They felt disconnected when you tried to stretch them out, ending up curling them back into fists on your lap as you took a deep breath.

You felt unhinged. Shaky. Provoked. You weren't sure how to fix it. How to make sure it wasn't obvious. How to act normal.

But it seemed that your body knew. Before you could process what you were doing, you were leaning forward, hitting the button to slide up the partition screen, and climbing over Buck, straddling his lap after hiking up the bottom of your dress so that the side slit allowed your legs more movement.

"What are you -" He started to ask, his eyebrows creased together making deep lines in his forehead, but you just smashed your mouth to his, kissing him as though your life depended on it. It didn't take long for his hands to find your waist, a strong grip on your body as you pushed as close to him as you could get. He returned the kiss in a surge that pushed you back, having to put a hand on the glass behind you as one of his hands went to the back of your head to hold in place against his mouth.

Whether it was just a reaction to how you were attacking him in the backseat of his car after such an intense interaction, or he was actually matching some of the turmoil you were feeling, Bucky was kissing you with just as much passion. Maybe he thought you were doing this to calm him down, and maybe for a few minutes, you were okay to let him think that. The way his fingers were digging into you, wrapping in the material of the dress, it was like he wanted to just rip it off of you, and part of you wanted that, something that would match how chaotic you felt inside, but you weren't about to have that happen for a second time.

Instead, you distracted him by starting to undo the buttons of his trousers as fast as you could. The kiss had become breathy, filthy and needy. His hands were running down your body to your legs, up your exposed thigh and making your skin shiver in the wake of his fingers. A possessive hold on your ass was followed by a low groan.

"So you really aren't wearing anything under here?" He asked against your lips, sliding his fingers underneath your thigh, closer to your core, making you shift and spread your legs a little bit more as you felt his trouser button pop open.

He had no issue with your hand sliding down his boxers, even using his hold on you to lift you away from him a few inches so that you had the space to pull his already rock hard cock out and wrap your fingers around him. His moans were smothered by the way you were kissing him, unrestrained, just like your actions were.

Pulling you back down to his lap, your hand was forced off of him as he rutted his hips into you, hard. A couple of thrusts helped him find the angle he needed, and the next minute, he had reached between your bodies to guide his cock inside you. Throwing your head back as he slammed his entire length in, you moaned loudly into the already tense air, his hand instantly coming up to the back of your head and fisting your hair, holding you still as started fucking you harshly, his mouth finding the column of your neck and biting your skin.

"5 minutes." Echoed through the speaker, making you realise that you'd completely forgotten where you were.

Bucky leant forward, pushing you back, and slammed his hand on the console button.

"Keep driving." He growled, before sitting back and dragging your mouth back to his for a filthy kiss.

You let yourself be pliant in his grip, you let him hold your hips where he needed so that he could fuck into you at a relentless pace, letting your body be used by him.

When his hand left your hair, you whined at losing the glorious feeling of your scalp prickling at the pull, but then your noises turned more desperate as his palm slid down your chest, following the line of the chain of the necklace that he'd put on hours earlier. His fingers curled around his initial, and then he was wrapping the chain around his fist, swivelling the necklace round and tugging the chain behind you. The result was the choker stiffening around your neck, pulling your face away from him, holding you inches above him and feeling eerily similar to when he would put his whole hand around your neck.

Panting heavily as you searched his almost black eyes for any indication of what he was going to do next, you inadvertently clenched around his cock, making his hips stutter, making him groan, and making him tug on the chain a little harder.

"Do you know how good you look like this?" He growled, and you swallowed deeply as he restarted grinding into you, slower this time. "Letting me use you however I want in the back of my fucking car?"

"Bucky...." You breathed, your head swimming as you tried to match the rhythm of his hips, his pace suddenly too soft for what you needed. "Please, just-"

"You know I had this chain reinforced?" He interrupted, tugging on the necklace again and making your head fall back as his other hand tense as he gripped your ass, pulling your hips just as he fucked into you. It was too much, and simultaneously not enough. You wanted the orgasm that was building in your stomach, harshly reminding you that you were getting close, but wouldn't get to the end like this. You wanted more. And yet, he just kept the same pace, the same rhythm of slow, purposeful thrusts, deep, filling you up, but not fucking you the way you needed.

"I can tie you to the ceiling, with you wearing nothing but this." He continued, his tongue now licking its way up your neck as he spoke. "It will hold you up, while I fuck you however I fucking please."

"Bucky..." You whimpered, the desire spearing through you at his words, trying to move your hips faster, but he held you in place.

"How close are you Doll?" His words hit your ear in a whisper, through you off as the softness felt so different to how he was just talking.

"I'm...a little more...please.."

He didn't respond to you with his words. Instead, he tightened his grip on your necklace, on your ass, making sure that you couldn't move fucking anywhere, and then he started slamming his hips into you. The change was instant, like your body had suddenly been engulfed in a fire, the suddenness overwhelming. You felt your orgasm creeping closer, but by the time you felt yourself approaching the edge, your moans getting higher and higher, he slammed one last time, and you felt him pulse inside you, his come filling you as he groaned into your neck, and stopped altogether.

Then he released the chain from his fingers. Your shallow breaths, searing hot blood in your veins, and dizzy mind were making your brain struggle to understand why the choker was suddenly loose around your neck, why he was lifting you off his lap, placing you back in your seat next to him and doing his button up on his trousers.

The car door next to Bucky opened before you realised the car had even stopped moving.

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