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The next morning, it really seemed that Bucky had listened to what you'd said. That he couldn't keep you at arms length, that you wanted to be involved, that he needed to trust that you could handle it.

You knew he had listened, because your name was suddenly called from the study, where you had seen Clint and Sam enter 15 minutes earlier.

As you walked in, the three of them looked up at you, each with odd smiles on their faces.

"Do you have a minute?" Bucky asked, and you narrowed your eyes at him.

What exactly did he think you did with your time? You hadn't been allowed to leave the apartment in god knows how long at this point.

Still, you nodded. He gestured for you to come to him.

You walked around the desk to his side, trying not to feel self conscious at the fact you could feel Sam and Clint staring at you. Once you reached Bucky, his hand slid around your waist, and he pulled you onto his lap.

Quickly stabilising yourself by gripping the edge of the desk, you settled on his knee while his arm wrapped around your body, and his hand came to rest on your stomach. A strong, possessive hold. You saw Sam and Clint smirk at their boss' actions, but they both stayed silent.

"We have a plan for tonight." Bucky said bluntly, cutting through the weird tension in the room. He jabbed his finger onto his desk, at the papers littered over it that you'd only just noticed. "Sam has tracked them to this building," He pointed at one paper that had blueprints on it. "Says they've been in and out for the last few days. We are going to see what's inside it."

"Okay...what do you need me to do?" You queried, still confused why you'd been invited into the room.

"You said you wanted to be involved." He stated, the stern tone telling you not to question it any further. Nodding, you turned back to look over the desk.

You suddenly frowned, your eyes focusing on the blueprints he'd been pointing to, and leaned forward, picking the paper up to get a look at it. You felt his hand tighten on your stomach as you did.

"What is it?" He asked after a second.

"I know this building." You muttered, now looking on the edge for a name, a title, some kind of identifier. Why did it look familiar? "What's it called?" You asked, the question directed more towards Sam, who straightened in his chair.

"It's the DeVue Hotel. Somewhere downtown. Pretty big, stands out a whole bunch, so we're not really sure why they've picked to go there."

The pieces in your head clicked together instantly as you glanced over at the calendar on Buckys desk, and remembered what day it was.

"They didn't pick it." You muttered under your breath, and while your eyes were back on the blueprints, you felt everyone freeze.

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked, a hesitancy in your voice that reminded you of when he asked about your past after you'd been at the shooting range. A hesitancy that meant he wasn't sure he'd like the answer.

You put the paper down.

"It's the 12th November today." You said. The guys looked at each other before turning back to you. Clearly they never read their diaries. "The 13th November is tomorrow. As in, the date of the DeVue Ball."

"What in gods hell is a DeVue Ball?" Clint asked, his eyebrows frowning in confusion.

"It's a charity fundraiser, hosted by the DeVue family to raise money for low income families who've had someone in the prison system. Help them reintegrate, get solicitors, be represented for a fair trial and all that jazz." You explained, before turning to Bucky. "Henry DeVue is on our board. He invites you every year. I know because he dropped the invite off three months ago while you were in a meeting, and I accepted it and put it in your calendar. Obviously it was before I knew what you did in your spare time." You added, catching Sam smirk at your comment. "The picture on the invite, their website, it's their blueprints, or some version of it, that's why this looks familiar. The ball is tomorrow, at the DeVu Hotel. So these guys didn't pick the hotel as a base, they're scouting it out. They're probably going tomorrow, so they're putting things in place for the event, to make a scene or rob them or -"

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