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You swallowed, then parted your lips to breathe as evenly as you could. Waiting. Anticipating his next move, but not being fully prepared.

When his belt hit your skin, your back arched and you moaned loudly. He quickly leaned forward and clamped his hand over your mouth, cutting the sound off halfway through.

"This door isn't locked," He hissed into your ear, making your eyes roll back a little at the thought. "So unless you want someone to run in and see what the commotion is, you need to keep your noises to yourself. Can you do that?"

You nodded quickly.

"Good girl."

He slowly slid his hand off your mouth, just as his belt came down on your skin another time. You whimpered, biting your bottom lip as hard as you could to stifle the sound. It seemed acceptable to him, as he whipped you again, the sharp sound of the leather striking your ass resonating through the room.

A few seconds passed with no other movement, just the feeling of the sting blossoming over your ass and back of your thighs. You could feel yourself involuntarily clenching, your core desperately needing something to satisfy your desire.

That something came very suddenly, in the form of Bucky's tongue, lapping up the wetness dripping out of you. You groaned, then clenched your teeth shut as your body tensed at the sensation of him licking your sex, your clit, sucking the bundle of nerves and then starting all over again.

You started rocking your hips back, rolling them as his mouth worked against you, and just as you started to feel the low buzz start to build, his tongue disappeared, and you were being pulled upright, spun around, and he was crashing his lips to yours.

Your hands instantly went to his neck, his collar, trying to desperately pull him closer as you tangled your tongue with his, tasting yourself on his lips. When you started trying to sit back on the table, and pull him with you, he pulled back.

"I've got a phone call to make." He said simply, winking at your dumbfounded expression, then bending down. "I'll take good care of these Doll." He added, picking up your underwear and putting them into his pocket.
"Time to get back to work for you I think?" He asked, his eyebrow raised, but you knew it wasn't a real question.

With clenched teeth, you stood, pulling your skirt down, and strode past him, throwing the door open and heading back to your office. He smirked at your retreating figure.

You ended up going back to the apartment without Bucky. Steve kept guard, as always, outside the apartment, and inside, you were drinking some more of Bucky's expensive wine, in one of your chemises with skimpy briefs, wandering around and investigating everything in sight. If he could play games, then you could as well.

By the time he returned home, you were in his office, in the chair behind his desk, your legs crossed as your feet rested on top of the desk. You had the wine in one hand, and one of his vintage books in the other, and were mindlessly flicking through the pages.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice clipped as he took in the scene before him. You looked up at him in the doorway, and offered him a sweet, innocent smile.

"Oh, hello Mr Barnes. I was just making myself at home. You have exquisite taste in reds." You teased, holding up your wine glass briefly. "But I have to say, some of these books are boring." You huffed, closing the book and throwing it onto the desk, taking your legs off at the same time and taking another gulp of wine as you stood. "This Da Vinci guy is great and all, but he's not as interesting as your file on Dean." You said, stabbing a finger at the manilla folder that was also on the desk.

Bucky's eyes snapped to it, then back to you. He marched over, snatching the file off the desk, and narrowed his eyes at you.

"You shouldn't be looking at this stuff." He snarled.

"It's to do with the people who want to kidnap me, isn't it? So really, I should absolutely be looking at this stuff. You know, because it involves me." You polished off the wine, then carefully placed the glass on the desk, then looked back at your boss as you licked your bottom lip. "Plus, if you leave me all alone for a few hours, I'm bound to get into some kind of trouble." You smirked, noticing his eyes running over your outfit for what seemed to be the first time.

When he looked back up at you, the anger had disappeared.

"Well, I'm super tired." You said, fake yawning. "I'm exhausted from keeping myself...occupied while you've been at work."

"And how have you been doing that? Rifling through my entire study?" He questioned, stepping closer, but you didn't cower underneath his interrogation.

"I brought back some of my toys, like you suggested the other day Mr Barnes." You explained, running a hand down the lapel of his suit, feeling his chest move with his heavy breath. "Shame you weren't here to try them out with me. But don't worry, I've already started marking down where the hooks will need to be installed, for when you are available." You winked before sidestepping him and heading towards the door. You subtly looked back, smiling when you saw him looking around, and tensing when he found the little 'x' you'd put in masking tape on the ceiling in the corner.

He'd find the others soon enough.

By the weekend, there had been no other incidents between you and Bucky. The only thing that had happened, was when you came back home on Friday after work, and you started to notice that there were now hooks exactly where you'd put your masking tape marks. You spent the next hour rechecking them, seeing if he managed to find all of them, and you bit your lip when you saw that he'd got every single one.

Even the one under his study desk, which was the one that you were most excited for.

See, Bucky's desk was one where from the front, it was completely closed off, so when he was sat down, you couldn't see below his stomach. Just an ornate, wooden detail across the front.

Which meant that if you were under the desk, you also wouldn't be seen. And you hoped that, when he installed this particular hook, he understood what your idea had been, where you were tied up, under his desk, while he was in a meeting.

The thought thrilled you, and you were eagerly waiting for that possibility to come around. Bucky spent quite a bit of time in his study now, having these 'Mob meetings', more so since your kidnapping attempt outside the Red Room, as he hadn't wanted to leave you unattended for too long. So, almost every other evening, and every weekend, you would be ordered to stay in your room, with Sam, Steve or Clint standing outside, and the rest of them in the meeting, with whoever else was in Bucky's organisation, or another organisation. You still weren't completely clued up with what these meetings involved, but you always heard numerous voices when they walked through the apartment.

This Saturday though, you wandered through the apartment to the kitchen, intending to grab breakfast before being shoved back into your room for the rest of the day, when something rare happened.

Bucky was in the kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee, and smiling at you when you came in.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"Nothing's wrong." He replied simply.

"You're never here in the mornings." You pointed out, heading over to the coffee machine to start on your own drink. "It's usually Steve that has breakfast with me."

"Well, today is going to be different."

"Hmm? How so?" You asked as the machine started whirring.

"We have plans today."

"We as in..."

"You and me."

"Oh." You said, your body suddenly feeling very alert and excited. "What...what plans do we have?"

He smiled again, put his coffee down, and walked over to you, and put his arms either side of you, resting them on the counter behind as he looked down at you.

"Once you're dressed, we're going somewhere."

"Right. And where are we going?" You asked, not enjoying this cryptic conversation so early in the day.

"I'm going to teach you to shoot a gun."

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