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Once you had picked yourself off of the floor of Bucky's hallway, you headed outside, calling Nat instantly. She met you outside the front of your building, your old building, the one you used to call home before you moved in with Bucky. It didn't feel like home anymore. But then again, you couldn't exactly call Bucky's home either now.

The two of you hugged for a while, you crying into your best friend's shoulders, oblivious to the strange looks you were getting from strangers passing you by. Eventually, she coached you upstairs, unsavoury memories hitting you from all angles. Bucky coming to get you in the middle of the night. Someone grabbing you from outside. The night you found out Bucky was the perfect match for you.

It almost didn't surprise you when you finally reached your door and saw it open, the wood by the lock splintered from being kicked in. Nat was careful, spy-like when she entered, her eyes darting left and right for an intruder. But you knew that this had been done a while ago at some point, while you'd been living with Bucky. The thugs would have come here after you'd first gotten away from them, at the direction of your father, trashing the place to try and find clues of where you'd be. That was his M.O. after all, to ransack his target's environments. To invade their intimate lives.

Kicking the debris aside as you walked in, you tried shutting the door behind you, but it just swung back open.

"Typical." You muttered, throwing your suitcase to the floor. "Guess I'm sleeping with the sofa against the door."

"Absolutely not. You're staying with me until that door is fixed." Nat commanded, picking up the picture frames that were laying shattered on the floor. "I can't believe he'd do this to you."

"Can't you? I can. I can one hundred percent believe that my dad would do this. Although, he did say if he knew it was me, he'd have been nicer. Maybe then I would at least have had a chance to get my security deposit back."

"Has your landlord not even mentioned this?"

"Bucky had been paying the rent, since he took me to his. Said it would be good to keep them thinking that I lived here." You said absentmindedly while you started putting the ripped pillows back on the sofa. "So as far as the landlord knows, I'm still here. But I guess I won't even be living here much longer anyway."

"Why not?"

"What money do you think I have at the minute Nat? I've barely worked for Barnes Global in weeks, haven't worked at the Red Room either. I've got some savings but not enough to keep paying rent for months on end."

"I'll get your clients back."

You sighed, sinking into the sofa and shaking your head.

"Thing is, I don't think I can go back there. He knows where I am now. Even if...even if Bucky was still talking to me, I think I'd have to leave."

Nat was quiet as she sat down beside you, rubbing a hand up and down your back as you ran your hands through your hair.

"Bucky will talk to you again, you know." Nat said, trying to comfort the horrible, sickening feeling in your stomach. "He just needs some time."

"I don't think so. Not this time. He was right, I had so many chances with him. And this, it's not like he found out some cute secret like me still having a stuffed teddy bear. This directly affects him, has affected him for years. I betrayed him."

"You didn't -"

"I bet that's how he feels." You interrupted, picking at your fingernails and avoiding looking at her.

"Maybe. But he'll realise soon enough that none of keeping that hidden was about him. You are allowed to try and leave your trauma behind you."

"Didn't do a good job of that, did I?" You mocked, and Nat gave you a sad smile. "I also didn't do a good job of keeping the first guy after..."

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