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"Sorry, who is this? And why do you have her phone?"

Steve's question into his phone didn't get a response straight away. The second he saw Nat's name pop up with an incoming call, he had stepped out of Bucky's study, the excitement bubbling in his stomach at the thought of talking to her. It happened every time they spoke now, and Steve was well aware of how smitten he was with this woman.

But his excitement quickly evaporated when a man's voice started speaking, too fast initially for him to understand even after he'd gotten over the shock of it not actually being Natasha. The person was just rambling, and Steve only heard Luka's name mentioned a minute in.

That's when his brain kicked into gear.

"Who is this?" Steve repeated, only to be met by a sigh on the other end.

"It's not important, I can't stay on long." They replied. "I'd be killed if he even knew I was calling someone about this."

"Who would kill you? What's going on with Luka?" Steve queried, getting annoyed that none of his questions were being answered.

"I don't always agree with everything he does, you know? But I've always stayed out of it. Bankrolling whatever couldn't be traced back to me. But this time I just feel like it's taking things too far. So I tried to think of what I could do because he isn't just gonna let me open the door for her to escape-"

"Escape? Luka? Do you mean she's been taken?"

"Did I not say that? I thought I was pretty obvious."

"Look," Steve sighed. "This conversation would go a lot quicker if you actually told me what's going on."

"Right, of course." The man said. "So, yes Luka's been taken. Well, brought here to my house of all places. But I suppose that's what I get for having the biggest house in-"

"Who took her? Brought her to you?"

"That's the worst part!" The guy said. "Supposedly it's this guy she used to be involved with, her father managed to-"

"Adrian took her?!" Steve interrupted, storming back into Bucky's study and waving his hand in front of his friend's face to get his attention for what he was going to ask next. "You're saying Adrian took Luka? And she's at your house?"

Bucky's eyes widened and he immediately stood up from his chair, yanking the phone from Steve's ear and putting it to his.

"Who is this?" Bucky spat into the phone.

"Ahh, you must be Barnes." The guy on the phone said in a tone Bucky couldn't quite place. "Look, I don't know what they're planning. I try to stay out of it as much as I can, but she's here and I didn't know what else to do."

"Where are you?" Bucky asked, marching around his desk towards his safe, opening it and grabbing his guns.

"I assume you know the great and amazing Tony Stark?"

"What of him?"

"Nice to meet you too, kid." Tony laughed. Bucky slammed the safe door shut. "Like I said, I don't know what they're planning, but they're here for now. I'm meant to be data mining this phone that Noah took off her roommate or something but here I am risking my life and calling the last person in the texts. Didn't expect to be talking to the source of all of this."

"Keep them there." Bucky said before hanging up the phone and tossing it to Steve. "I know his address. Let's go."

Steve followed him out of the study, texting the guys to meet them at Tony Stark's mansion.

"You got a plan?" Steve asked as they both ran down the stairs to the car.

"Yeah, get her out. Alive. The other's I don't give a shit about." Bucky seethed as he wrenched the car door open and got in the driver's seat.

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