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"Bucky, what are you doing here?" You asked, as he just smiled down at you.

"You're the one who came to one of my clubs."

"Your club?" You questioned, and he nodded as the bartender put your drink down in front of you. Bucky shook his head at the bartender, who then just disappeared. Apparently you weren't paying for this one. As you looked back at him, your brain clicked. "Steve didn't recommend this place by chance, did he?"

"No, he didn't."

"If I didn't like you so much, I'd say you were a stalker." You scoffed, picking up your drink and starting to walk off.

"You also," He said, catching your arm and tugging you back. "Told me to finish my meeting early, and meet you. So I did."

"Oh really? You ended your meeting to come and dance with me and Nat?"

"No Doll," He laughed, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling your body closer to him. "I ended my meeting to do this."

He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours, almost making you forget about holding your drink, your fingers starting to feel tingly as the kiss shot through your body.

"Hmm," You hummed as he pulled away, you smiling up at him. "So you stopped talking about the weather just to come and kiss me?"

"Something like that." He smiled back.

"Well, if you come with me you can have a dance as well." You mused, grabbing his hand and tugging, but turning back when you felt him not moving with you. "What?"

"Do I look like the kind of person who dances?" He laughed.

"You came all the way here and won't dance with me?" You asked, pouting at him.

"How about, I'll sit over there," He said in your ear, pointing over to one of the corner booths, a little darker and more shaded than the others. "And I can watch you dancing for me?"

"So you stalked me to the club, now you wanna perve on me as well?"

"HEY!" You whipped round to see Nat and Steve heading up to you, with Steve clapping a hand onto Bucky's shoulder, and Nat sliding her arm around your waist.

"You left us all alone, and Steve's moves are attracting the wrong type of attention." Nat chuckled into your ear. You watched Buck and Steve start muttering into each other's ears, and you knew their conversation was quickly diverting back to more illegal subjects.

"Come on," You said to her, rolling your eyes as the guys' attention was completely not on you anymore. "Let's go."

You pulled her towards the dancefloor, not even caring to let them know where you were going. Quickly settling back into dancing with your best friend, you caught sight of Buck and Steve heading over to the booth that had been pointed out to you.

You weren't too sure how long you and Nat danced for. Waiters kept arriving with drinks, delivering them to you right on the dancefloor, and you knew it was Bucky keeping you both well catered for. At some point, everything had melted away, all of the chaos, the threats, the attempted kidnappings. You and her were having fun, and after a while, Steve appeared by your side, sliding up to Nat and whispering in her ear.

From the way she smiled and turned into his body, you assumed that your company was about to be no longer needed. You scoffed, more to yourself, grumpy at how cute they were together, spinning around to head back to the bar, when you headed straight into a solid mass.

"You should look where you're going Doll."

"Why? You always save me when I need you." You smirked, grabbing him by his shirt and smashing your lips to his.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now