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Frantically shaking your head no, you leaned forward to kiss him, a new kind of urgency this time, as though you were working against a clock, needing it to be finished as quickly as possible. Ideally before the guys noticed.

He tugged your underwear to the side, his fingers sliding into place, running over your wetness, and pushing inside you with no more hesitation.

"Fuck.." You whispered against his lips, separating from the kiss just enough to catch the moan that wanted so desperately to tumble from your throat. The hand in your hair dropped slightly, his fist resting at the back of your neck, a tension in his muscles that held you in place as he started to move.

"You are so fucking gorgeous." He muttered, his fingers starting to move faster, making your mouth drop open, your breaths coming out as short pants as he just stared up at you. "Sitting in my club, taking my fingers so well, Doll." His lips returned to your neck, kissing you like he had been aching to taste your skin. "Always just so ready for me, so wet, so needy..."

"Buck," You moaned lightly, the buzz of the alcohol being overpowered by the adrenaline of him fucking you, half in public, his words fueling a carnal desire that was flooding through your veins.

A distinct curl in his fingers made him brush over the spot inside you that always caused your eyes to roll back, made you arch into him, hips rolling closer, but his hold against your neck tightened, stopping you from moving too much as he did the same movement again, and again.

Biting your bottom lip, you forced your eyes open, looking down at him, seeing him staring back at you in awe. Half of you wished you weren't in his booth. That you were at home. That you could be doing this with a lot less clothes. He was right, you were needy, and in the back of your mind, you knew he wasn't going to let you go all the way tonight, so you needed to take all that he was willing to give.

That thought sobered you up just enough to realise the extent of what was happening. As you rocked your hips in tandem with his fingers, you licked your lips, ready to ask -

"Why ...here?" You questioned. It made him pause. For a second. A brief second.

"You worried about being seen Doll?" He asked, his teeth catching his bottom lip, his fingers stroking you slowly as he waited for your answer.

"No," You shook your head. "But...your answers, the form," You gasped as he pushed deeper. "You said you didn't want anyone seeing...doing this..." You struggled to get your sentence out coherently, but from the smile forming on his lips, he understood what you were trying to say.

His lips trailed over your collarbone, your chest, before he looked back up at you and brought you down closer to him, pressing his forehead against yours as you rocked against him, keeping to the rhythm of his fingers.

"I know what I said back then. But I think," He paused to let go of your hair, to slide his hand round your neck and down your chest, stopping where the material of your dress lay across your skin. "I'm starting to like the idea of other people seeing, knowing that they can't do a damn thing about it."

"What...fuck," You breathed, your head rolling back slightly as you felt the pull in your abdomen starting to build. "What changed?"

"What changed, is that I realised you are fucking masterpiece, Luka." He growled, and you pulled your head back up to look down at him, your gasps becoming more frequent as the heat rolled through your body.


"And I want them to watch, and know that you're mine."

"Thought I wasn't yours until we slept together?" You teased, a flash of arrogance spearing through you, which he didn't like one bit. His hand circled the front of your neck, making you clench around his fingers, his eyes narrowing.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now