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Your brain short circuited. You stared up at him, blinking dumbly as the band of his trousers loosened, as he pushed them down just enough to show you the hardening bulge in his boxers.

When he pulled the blindfold down over your eyes, you still hadn't said a single thing.

You felt his lips trail over your jaw, up towards your ear, where he whispered -

"Double tap to stop."

The sentence ended with the ear plugs being gently pushed into your ears, making the sound of your blood pumping through your veins instantly louder.

You felt a breeze, a telltale sign that he had moved back, away from you, and you tested the rope. The reign he'd given you was similar to the times in the Red Room. He always gave you enough length that your hands could reach some part of him, to double tap him as your signal to stop, in lieu of a safeword. A system you'd quickly put in place after he realised how enjoyable it was to take away all of your senses, and cover your mouth at the same time.

But this was the first time he was doing it with other people in the room.

You tried to pinpoint something over the next few seconds. Something that would give away his position, his intention, anything that was happening. A vibration through the floorboard, the bump of his leg. But nothing happened.

Not for a full minute.

The suspense had become so overwhelming at that point, that when you felt his hand graze the top of your head, you flinched. As he moved down to grab your jaw, however, it made your body shiver. The need for him came crashing through you again, and you shifted as best you could with where he was guiding you.

You felt his knees brush past your shoulders, settling on either side of you. Leaning forward, there was a pinch around your wrists, reminding you that you couldn't move very far. Feeling along the floor with your fingers, you had a little wave of relief when you felt material, then muscle when you pressed further. His leg for you to double tap if needed.

You didn't think you would need it.

His thumb moved over your bottom lip, and you instinctively parted your mouth, a movement silently signalling your agreement.

The next thing you felt on your tongue was the tip of his cock.

As though a switch had flipped inside you, you wrapped your lips around him, instantly sliding him further into your mouth, gently sucking as your tongue licked trails over him. His hand moved from your jaw to the top of your head, his fingers threading through your hair. As best as you could with your restricted range of movement, you moved your head back and forth, his cock sliding in and out of your mouth.

You had no sense of his reactions, other than the slight tension of his fingers in your hair, and the occasional pulse of his cock in your mouth. Still, you carried on, determined to make him cum in the middle of his meeting. A sick sort of punishment for your dripping core being untouched the entire time.

The determination spiked within you when you felt the floorboards resonate from underneath you. Someone was in the room.

You slowed down, more mindful that while you couldn't hear his responses, you also couldn't hear your own noises, keeping up the hard suck as you pulled back slowly, until your lips were circled around just the tip of him. His fingers tightened in your hair, and you wanted to smile, knowing he was telling you to speed up again, but you took your mouth off him completely, instead running just your tongue over him, all the way down, back up, over the tip that was dripping with pre-cum, sucking ever so gently, your stomach flipping in satisfaction when you felt him pulse against you.

His hand left your hair. After a few more seconds of you teasing him as slowly as you could, you jumped when vibrations shot through you.

Vibrations that were coming from the toy you'd completely forgotten was inside you.

Hard, low vibrations, rolling through your entire body, making you pull your mouth off him completely so that you could breathe through the feeling. You bit your lip to stop yourself from moaning, hoping you'd been successful, so that the noises couldn't be heard from above the desk. Then he upped the level.

The vibrations were getting more intense, every few seconds going up another level, both inside you and on your clit, getting you to the point that you were struggling to keep yourself quiet, and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, having to shift your ankles to keep the toy from slipping out, and inadvertently pushing it further into you and making you throb around it.

His hand returned to your hair, in a harsh grip, tugging you forward, until you felt him at your lips again. Opening your mouth, he all but shoved his cock inside, and you felt your stomach clench as you tried to keep quiet while trying to suck, lick and stroke him to his climax. The climax that you were about to have, and refused to have alone.

Feeling his cock throb on your tongue, you rocked your hips slightly, heightening the sensations whizzing through you from the toy, and went as fast as you could until he gripped your hair so tightly that your scalp prickled. You sucked harder, your tongue following your movements, and a few seconds later, you felt him pulse, then his cum spilled into your mouth, and you swallowed every drop.

You spent some time gently licking him all over, your body still jolting as the toy continued vibrating inside you, edging you closer. His fingers loosened and altogether disappeared from your hair, until he pulled his cock from his mouth, and you felt a breeze of air over your face.

The first sense to come back was your hearing, as he pulled the ear plugs out.

"Still with me Doll?" He asked in his deliciously smooth voice, sliding the blindfold up and off your head. Blinking as your eyes adjusted to the light in the room, you refocused to see him kneeling in front of you, and you surged forwards, smashing your mouth against his.

You didn't give a shit about the ropes digging into your wrists, even though you started trying to twist your arms out of the knots. He was in no rush either; he cradled your face, returning your kiss deeply, letting your loud moans bleed through into the air.

He left one hand on your cheek, the other disappearing, sliding down your sweat covered body until he reached between your legs, pushing his palm against the toy and making you groan loudly, and shudder in response.

"Ohh," He said, smiling as he watched you breathing deeply, tensing and relaxing as he moved his hand against you. "Did you not get all the way there sweetheart?" He asked, in a sickly patronising voice that made you angry.

"Does it fucking look like it?" You spat.

It made him grab your jaw harshly.

"Do you have permission to speak to me like that?" He growled, pushing hard against the toy sending the vibrations deep into your core and making your eyes roll back. "Now answer the question. Nicely."

You licked your lips, trying to catch your breath.

"No, Sir. I didn't." You said, your teeth clenched together, blinking as you tried to focus on him between the overwhelming waves of heat flooding through you.

His hands left you. He untied the ropes. You rushed forward, your arms flung around his neck, kissing him as hard as you could, pushing him backwards and making him put his hand behind him on the floor to stay upright.

You scrambled for his shirt buttons, trying to rip them apart, to touch his bare skin, needing the contact to tip you over the edge. And he let you.

For a little while.

When your hands reached down his stomach, edging closer to his cock, he grabbed both your wrists and pulled your hands off of him.

"What..Bucky-" You panted, ignoring the stern look on his face and trying to move your hands back to him. "Bucky please..." You whined when he held you in place.

"We're not having sex." He stated. You froze.

Then you wanted to punch him.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now