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40 minutes later, you were helping Sam and Steve pack the car, while Clint was walking the perimeter with Bucky and going over their plans one last time.

Once Sam had made his teasing comment of you 'using your magic to reset the angry boss', the conversations between you and the guys were back to normal, as though the last 48 hours hadn't really happened. For a second, you'd almost forgotten yourself, until Bucky and Clint came back, meeting you by the safehouse door.

Clint was carrying a duffel bag, and looking at you a little weirdly. Apologetically. You looked between him and Bucky as they walked up to you.

"Everything okay?" You asked hesitantly as they stood in front of you.

"Clint has some things for the drive home." Bucky said, his voice stoic, boss-like, but his eyes hinting a softer side to his words.

"What, like snacks?"

You saw Clint smirk out the corner of your eye, and noticed Bucky's eyes narrow slightly as well. Like he was fighting his own smile.

Clint dropped the bag to the ground, bent down beside it, and unzipped it. He took out some items that just looked like fabric, and handed them over to you. Taking it from him, you unravelled it to find some kind of vest and leggings.

"Uhh, thanks. You didn't like the clothes I'm wearing now, huh?" You asked with an awkward chuckle.

"They're bulletproof." Clint explained.

"Put them on under your clothes, then we can get going." Bucky added, and you blinked up at him. "Now, ideally." He warned.

Nodding, you turned and headed to the bathroom, knowing better than to argue with him on something like this. Wearing something bulletproof for the drive home was a big deal, and you knew that. There also was no real counter-argument you could think of to refuse wearing it, considering what happened the last time you were in the car. You undressed and slipped the undergarments on, pausing to admire how un-bulky they felt, before pulling your ordinary clothes over the top. You left the bathroom and found Clint waiting outside the door for you.

"Creep." You teased.

"You love it." He retorted, nodding his head over to the door. "He didn't think you'd make it out all by yourself."

"Dickhead." You laughed, shoving his shoulder as you walked passed him and out the front door. "He's nervous isn't he?"

"Course he is. But we're not allowed to know that." Clint said in a whisper as he walked beside you, both of you catching sight of Bucky leaning against the car on the driveway ahead.

"Right. Just smile and wave, yeah?" You muttered back, making Clint laugh at your reference just before you approached Bucky, got into the car beside him, and started the journey back to the apartment.

The drive was relatively silent. The radio was on a low level while Clint drove, Sam looking out of the window from his passenger seat in the front. Bucky was tapping away on his phone, focusing intently on the tiny screen. The only noise was the thrum of the car engine, and it was making your mind spiral further and further with each second. Soon, the silence, the space, it was making you too antsy to keep still, and you unbuckled your belt.

The click made Bucky's head snap up.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Getting comfy." You replied simply, shuffling a little closer to him, lifting your feet onto the seat and laying your head down into his lap. You heard him sigh from above you as he moved his hands out of the way while you moved, and you heard the distinct sound of his phone locking.

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