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Between the sting of the rope on your skin and the impact of the Nine Tails hitting your exposed ass, you felt the wetness pooling at your core in seconds.

"Scale, Doll." He repeated through clenched teeth.

"5." You said quietly. He didn't respond. He did hit you again, and this one made your back arch. "7."

"What's your limit?"

"10." You breathed. He hit you again and you moaned that time. "8."

He didn't whip you again. Instead, he stepped around you, allowing the strands of the Nine Tails to caress your skin as he moved up your body. He slid his hand to your jaw, pulling your face up to look at him as he crouched in front of you.

"Next time, I want you without the wig." He said bluntly, and you blinked at him. "It's hard to grab your hair when it's not real, Doll." He winked, and you felt the spike of desire shoot down to your core. "Until then..."
He moved his hand to your throat instead, urging you to sit up on your knees in front of him as he stood back up straight. Taking his hand off your neck, throwing the Nine Tails to the side, he was about to grab the other thing he'd spotted in the drawer, when his eyes caught sight of the metal ring on the ceiling.

Then he got another idea.

You followed his gaze, and you shuddered, hoping he would use it. Suspension bondage was a big thing for you. You straightened your back, hoping the roll of your hips would dampen down the wetness in your core, but it didn't work.

Thankfully, he was on your wavelength.

He untied the rope from the skirting board ring, and pulled you up to stand. You breathed heavily as you stood in front of him. He smiled, as his eyes saw the arousal in yours, knowing he didn't need to check your consent, then he reached up to tie the rope to the ring on the ceiling. He tugged it, watching you rise half on your tiptoes, then secured it, and walked around you, looking you up and down as he moved to the drawer and grabbed the wand.

Then he picked up the Nine Tails again.

You tried to stand still, shifting your weight on the balls of your feet as your heels struggled to touch the floor. The anticipation was killing you. Your heart was beating so fast that you felt like it was going to explode out of your chest. This is part of submission that you missed.

Putting both toys into one hand, he used the other to slowly drag your underwear down. You felt like your legs were shaking as you stepped out of them.

"Safeword?" He said simply, trying to distract himself from his cock hardening instantly at the sight of your core already dripping for him.

"P-pineapple." You breathed. He didn't respond.

He did snap the Nine Tails against you again though, keeping the impact at a 7. You screwed your eyes shut, your hands going to fists, as your body swung lightly from the impact. You readied yourself for the next hit, but instead, he pressed the vibrating wand to your clit.

"Fuck!" You moaned your head rolling back as he held it in place for a few seconds, then took it away.

He repeated the two actions, with only small pauses in between. Pauses that were only long enough for him to watch your reactions. After a while, you felt yourself close to the edge, and you tried to tell him, your voice exhausted from the moans and whimpers.

"I-I'm go.. to...Mr Ba..." You whined unsuccessfully as he removed the wand from you yet again. You took in a deep breath as your head slumped forward. He appeared in front of you, his hand cradling your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. He could see the exhaustion in your face, the need in your eyes, your lips swollen from biting them so much. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip as he struggled with the desire of wanting to kiss you.

"Do you need to cum, Doll?" He asked. You swallowed as you tried to keep your hooded eyes open.

"That's...that's up to you...Mr Barnes." You breathed. His thumb ran over your bottom lip, and your body twitched at the feeling.

"Such a good girl." He whispered. "I think I'll save it for Saturday evening, when I next see you." He said with a smirk. You clenched your teeth as frustration ran through you. You wanted to fight back, order him to give you what you desperately needed. But that wasn't the dynamic here.

So you nodded.

He put the toys on top of the drawers, leaving you tied to the ceiling to come down from your anger at his decision. He rummaged in the closet, finding what he was looking for, a cloth and a bottle of water, then dropped the two items on the armchair before he pulled it from the wall so that it was beside you. He reached up, quickly undoing the knot of the rope, and suddenly your arms sagged down, your body wanting to follow.

"I've got you." He said as he wrapped his arms around you, sitting on the chair and picking up the water and the cloth, pulling you into his lap, your legs either side of his hips. "Drink." He ordered, opening the water for you. You took it, taking big gulps, then handed it back as you rested your head on his shoulder. Reaching his hands behind you, he poured some water onto the cloth, making you flinch as some of it ran down your back.

Then he pressed the cloth to your skin. Every inch that was red from the Nine Tails, he carefully wiped it, soothing the soreness as much as he could. Once he was finished, he threw the cloth to the side, put the cap on the water bottle, and dropped that to the floor as well. Bringing his hands to your face, he made you look down at him, your eyes fluttering open.

"How was that Doll?" He asked, his words soft and quiet. You hummed in response, and licked your lips.

"Thank you Mr Barnes." You whispered. He smiled back at you.

"Remember, next time, no wig." He commanded, and you nodded, not having the energy to think through how you were gonna manage that one. You carefully stood from him, hissing a little as the soreness started to prickle on your legs, but once he made sure you were standing with some stability, he took your hand, kissing the knuckles again. It was a weird gesture he'd done a few times to you now, as if he was trying to maintain professionalism.

Or he was just kissing wherever was appropriate.

He left the room once he'd picked his jacket up, and as soon as the door closed behind him, you slumped back down onto the armchair, flinching when your ass made contact. You breathed in deeply, and exhaled loudly.

Pietro was right - you were fucked. Fucked, because there was no way you could give this up.

The next day at work, you felt a lot better about your deceit to Bucky. Sure, you were doing stuff with your boss who you had a crush on, but it was allowing you to use up all of these feelings without any repercussions, without any risk of losing your job because you made a move on the CEO. Plus, it was helping Bucky get out his frustrations. You just had to make sure that the worlds didn't cross, and that he didn't find out.

Which was rather difficult as he watched you repeatedly squirming in your chair next to him in meetings.

"Is something wrong Luka? You look uncomfortable?" He whispered at one point, leaning in while the others were busy discussing one point of the proposal. You froze and slowly turned to look at him.

"Uh...I went to the gym." You laughed awkwardly, blurting out the first thing that came into your head. "Spin class. You know, the bikes, and the seats aren't...great."

He chuckled as he kept his eyes on the table.

"Maybe you should find a different way of exercising then. Watching you squirm isn't ideal while I'm trying to focus, you know."

"Suppose I should." You muttered as you looked into his eyes. Then you repeated his sentence in your head, and this time, it didn't sound as innocent.

The way he was looking back at you didn't seem so innocent either.

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