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You stared down at the corset, not moving to pick it up. He didn't move from the sofa either. A few minutes passed where neither of you said anything. You just breathed through the silence, your brain whizzing with every possible response, every excuse you could give him.

Even if you just said it was a corset that you owned, feigning ignorance of the club, you knew that he knew it was the exact same one. He spent hours running his hands over it, studying it as he watched your body react in each session. There was no way you could pretend that you didn't work there.

Eventually, you slowly bent down, and picked it up. His head turned slightly at the movement.

"Bucky, I-"

"No. You don't get to talk." He snapped, finally standing from the sofa and marching over to you. He threw his glass onto the floor, and it shattered everywhere.

"You can't just throw-"

He put his hand around your throat and pushed you against the nearest wall. You breathed heavily at the action, fiercely aware that the throb in your core was completely inappropriate. His eyes were wild with anger, his jaw set as he glared down at you. You could smell the whiskey on his breath.

"Tell me I'm wrong." He ordered, as he pinned you to the wall. You put your hand on his forearm as you squirmed a little. "Tell me, Luka." He whispered. Looking him in the eyes, you felt incredibly guilty about what you were about to reply with.

"I can't."

He dropped his hand from your neck and turned away from you, running his hands through his hair as he angrily paced.


"No." He snapped, pointing his finger at you. "No Luka. This..." He dropped his hand. "Do you understand how fucked up this is?!"

"Trust me, I do, yeah. But you've got to understand-"

"Understand? You want me to understand why you lied to me? Let me do all of that to you?!"

"I uh.." You breathed in. "Look, Bucky just-"

"Why did you say yes?" He asked quietly, his hands on his hips now, and his gaze focused on the floor.


"When I came to the club. Why did you say yes when I requested you?"

"I didn't want to. I tried to stop you, but then it-"

"When?" He growled.

You sighed. "The first night. I tried to tell you I wasn't a submissive."

"And the second?" He asked, stepping towards you. "What happened then?"


"What happened Luka?" He repeated, his hands going to the wall either side of your head, caging you in. And, let's be honest, turning you on a little.

Just a little.

"I was being honest when I said I don't sub. Not usually." You said quickly, ignoring his eyes narrowing at you. "Because I'm picky. Really picky."

"What does this have to-"

"You scored the same as me." You rushed, making his jaw snap shut. "On your questionnaire, like, exactly the same. Every single thing, every single aspect, we were practically identical in what we wanted, in the dynamic we needed. I couldn't ignore that."

"And you didn't think of the fact that I was your boss? That you were fucking me around then acting like nothing happened at the office?!" He half-shouted.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now