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He must have felt the change in your attitude, he must have read your thoughts on your face, because a split second after you froze, he was standing up and pulling you with him, then kissing you again, with the same urgency as before, despite your dulled response.

"I want you to turn around," He whispered against your lips. "And bend over."

He took your pause as a chance to run his hand down your chest, your stomach, your body betraying your brain and shuddering under his touch, his palm leaving a hot trail in its wake. Once he reached your hips, he spun you around, and in your shock, you didn't have the brainpower to retaliate.

His hands slid up your back, to your shoulders, where he moved your hair out of his way, and kissed your skin. Small, delicate kisses, trailing over your shoulder, up to your neck, and once he saw your head tilt slightly, giving him more access, he smiled to himself, and started guiding you down.

Despite your determination to resist him, to storm off, you found your body melting under his touch, bending down until you felt the desk on your chest, and you settled on top of the wood.

"I know you're angry." He said, his hands sliding down your back as he spoke, to the end of your chemise, bunching it up over your hips. "I can see exactly what's going through that gorgeous mind of yours. But I'm going to tell you the reasons why, if you'll listen."

"I can't exactly go anywhere." You scoffed, turning your head so that you could catch sight of him over your shoulder.

"Are you going to keep making snappy remarks Luka? Because we can end this very quickly, or very, very slowly." He emphasised his point by trailing a finger over your core, to the toy, hooking underneath it and tugging slightly, and pushing it back in, making you groan loudly as you pressed your cheek against the desk.

"Okay, okay fine. Tell me why you hate me so much."

That made him laugh, as he let go of the toy, and moved his finger back up until he could dip the tip ever so slightly inside you, his other hand running up and fisting into your hair. He pulled gently, before continuing.

"The first time we have sex, it will be in a bed." He said bluntly, blandly, as if discussing the weather. He inched his finger into your sex a little more. "There will be no meetings, no work, no part of the outside world to distract us." His voice dropped slightly as he spoke, and it piqued your interest.

"Right, so sometime at the weekend yeah?"

He yanked on your hair, pulling your head back, and making you cry out as he slapped his hand against your ass at the same time. You hissed, biting your bottom lip as the sharp pain from both actions blossomed through your body.

He leant down until his mouth was level with your ear.

"I want hours with you, Luka." He whispered, making you swallow a sudden lump in your throat, while your skin prickled with heat. "Do you remember in our second meeting, when we were talking about Worship?"

You breathed quietly at his question. His hand moved back to your ass and squeezed the flesh in warning.

"Do you remember?" He repeated.

"Y-yes." You squeaked.

"That's what our first time will be. Me, worshipping you. Exploring every, single, inch of your body, every single one of your noises," He paused to move his hand from your ass back to your core, his fingers running back over you, collecting your dripping juices and dipping inside you. "I'm going to make you cum so many times before you've even felt my cock inside you, that you are going to be begging, pleading with me to give you a break. Do you think I'm going to give you a break?"

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