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"No...doesn't feel boring..." You panted, as the hand on your ass moved to your hip, his fingers gripping you and slowly pulling, making you rock into him. Your hands were still uselessly clutching the material of his shirt by his chest, as he kept guiding your body, the feel of his bulge pressing into your core, making your body feel warm.

He trailed his hand from your hair, around your neck, flattening his palm as he ran it down your panting chest, pulling his lips from your skin to look up at you.

"Reckon you can be a good girl for me Doll?" He whispered, making you look down at him, the hand on your hip still guiding your body over him.

"I...what? Now?" You breathed, biting your bottom lip when he thrust his hips against you.

"Whenever I need you to be." He growled in response, taking his hand off your chest to put it on your other hip, digging his fingers into your flesh and moving you faster.

Gasping at the increased friction on your core, your body reacted instantly, rolling into his movements, arching your back, your head falling back as a moan tumbled from your lips. Wrapping a hand around the side of your neck, his thumb grazing your jaw, he pulled your face down to meet his, his tongue claiming you in a fluid motion as he kissed you.

He stood suddenly, making you wrap your legs around his waist, then he turned and laid you down while he kneeled on the bed, his lips never leaving yours, and you never even giving him the chance. Your hands went to his hair as he leaned over you, pressing you into the bed, feeling as though you needed him close to breathe.

His kiss slowed, then moved from your mouth to your neck, while you breathed heavily, trying to rebalance the searing heat spiralling through your body.

"I think..." He muttered into your skin. "We should bring some of your toys home."


"Yeah," He confirmed, bringing his face back up to yours. "For next time." He winked at you, pressed one last kiss to your lips, then pushed himself off the bed.

"Wait, wait - where are you going?" You rushed to say, panicking as you sat yourself up and watched him straighten his shirt.

"I told you, we're going slow." He smirked, revelling in the way your face dropped. "Remember to set an alarm, we've got work in the morning."

After Bucky left you unsatisfied yet again, you grumbled and huffed your way into bed, then woke up with a strange sense of calm. It appeared to be the case that Bucky was overlooking your little transgression, and you were overlooking his. Fetish worker and Mob Boss - there were weirder couples, right?

Either way, it also seemed that he was pretty determined to keep to this 'taking it slow' idea too. You weren't sure why, but you assumed that after your ...agreement last night, that he would be more handsy, shower you with kisses, compliments.

That didn't happen.

He was acting exactly the same as when you first moved into the flat. No physical touches, half-flirty comments, and nothing else. Nothing else at all.

By the third day, you were frustrated. Very frustrated.

You'd glared at him pretty much the entire way to the office (which he'd now allowed you to return too), and stormed into your own office, ignoring the smug glint in his eyes as he watched you. When you checked the daily schedule, you realised that there were a few meetings booked, and you had an idea.

You acted normally in the first meeting.

In the second meeting, you made sure to touch Bucky a little bit more. A hand on his arm to whisper something in his ear. Grazing his leg with yours as you crossed them under the table. Flicking your hair over your shoulder and leaning into him when he said something to you, knowing that your neck and the top of your chest would be right in his eyeline.

Apart from the muscle in his jaw tensing, he made no other indication that your actions had affected him.

Not until the third meeting, that is.

You spent the first half in complete silence. Keeping your arms and legs in your own space, not touching him at all. Not even looking at him. In your peripherals, you caught him smirking slightly once he picked up on it, and you fought a smile. He thought you were mad at him, which is exactly what you wanted.

Then, towards the end of the meeting, you directed your energies to his guests.

Offering to refill their coffees, leaning over their shoulders to put their cups back down. Laughing at their jokes. Touching their arms, their shoulders as you put the new documents down in front of them.

All of your Mistress tactics.

One guest in particular was very on board. Daniel, one of the Wall Street types from the Investments team. He was loving the attention you were handing out, and giving you a lot of attention back.

You ignored Bucky's hand curling into a fist on the arm of his chair as Daniel commented how it was 'Such a shame that Bucky had kept you all to himself this whole time'. You ignored Bucky's eyes glaring at Daniel as he offered you his hand while you were standing up.

But you couldn't ignore Bucky suddenly throwing his chair back when Daniel asked for your number after the others left the room.

"Get back to work, Daniel." Bucky growled, storming over and shoving him out the door, slamming it shut loudly before turning to you, his pupils blown wide in anger. "Think this is funny, Doll?"

"What ever are you talking about, Mr Barnes?" You asked innocently, an eyebrow raised, but with a smirk on your lips that challenged him.

A smirk that was wiped off your lips when his hand encircled your neck and walked you backwards, until you hit the table. He held his face mere millimetres from yours, the anger radiating off of him, and you breathed as silently as you could to calm your thumping heart down a little.

Staring up at him though, you felt so far away from calm.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." He said. "What, you're not getting enough attention from me, so you go to someone else for it?"

"Well, if that's what you think I'm doing, then maybe you aren't giving me enough attention, Sir." You retorted.

Your comment made him spin you around and push you face down onto the desk.

"Is this enough for you?" He asked, leaving his hand on the back of your neck to keep you in place, while he kicked your feet apart.

You breathed as you felt his free hand slide up the side of your thigh, bringing your skirt up with the movement, until you felt the breeze of fresh air on your legs. Then his fingers were hooking over the band of your underwear, and he started dragging them down.

"Bucky!" You squealed as you realised where this was headed, but the hand on your neck prevented you from being able to look round, and he kept pulling your underwear down until they fell to your ankles.

"You just said you wanted my attention Doll, now you have it." He said through gritted teeth, his fingers trailing back up your bare thigh as you shivered. "Or maybe I should just make sure that you aren't looking at anyone else again."

After he finished his sentence, his hand smacked against your ass, making you gasp into the wood that your face was pressed against. You clenched your teeth as you felt your core throb, your hands forming fists on the table.

After another smack, he rubbed his hand over the area, soothing it, before he sucked in a breath and gripped your flesh hard.

"You look so fucking beautiful like this." He said, more to himself than to you. His fingers trailed towards your core, and you shuddered visibly once he reached it, his fingers sliding up and down, grazing your clit every so often. "You're always so wet after getting spanked, aren't you? Doesn't matter if it's my hands...your Nine Tails...I wonder if it's the same for this..."

His fingers left you, and your hips pushed back instinctively at the loss of contact. The next sound you heard was the clink of metal, the slither of leather, and you peered round just enough to see him pulling his belt off.

"Be a good girl, and stay still for me." He said in a level, smooth voice, slowly taking his hand away from your neck, and wrapping his belt around his hand.

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