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It was eight more days until you heard of any changes. Eight days of Bucky being perfectly nice, accommodating, affectionate. Even though it was painfully obvious that all of his affection stopped at just a kiss.

You knew why. You'd be an idiot not to know why.

He was on the phone practically all day, to various people whose names you couldn't keep up with. Talking in a low voice when he was around you, or retreating to the study altogether. Either Bucky's organisation was already bigger than you thought, or he was extending his resources purely for this mission.

Sam, Steve and Clint rotated the days they guarded the apartment. A couple days each at a time. You had to stop texting Nat and Pietro after Bucky caught you updating them on things, ordering you to remove the battery and sim card, and turn it off completely. He hadn't ruled out the theory that someone could have access to your phone, so until your new 'secure' phone had arrived from his 'people', you were stuck leaving them in the dark, and leaving you feel isolated. Steve assured you that he updated Nat when he could on your behalf.

It was a shock to the system, not having them to lean on, to talk to everyday. It was hard being stuck in one place seeing the same four faces over and over.

You knew Bucky was trying his best to alleviate your anxieties, but you also knew that his mind was constantly elsewhere. As the days dragged on, he got more and more distracted, his frustration at making little to no progress becoming more and more obvious. His affectionate kisses and touches dwindled into a brief peck on your cheek as he passed you, heading to another room, to take another call.

You hadn't pushed anything at first. Hadn't gone any further than asking him if he needed your help with anything. Hadn't tried again when he always replied 'No'. Hadn't asked him to stay when he walked out the room.

Today though, you decided that you'd had enough. You said you were all in. He'd made it clear that you sleeping together meant crossing the line into his world. Today, you decided it was time for him to stop separating the two.

Waiting until he took a call, heading out of the lounge after quickly kissing your cheek, you watched him walk off, heard his steps down the hall, and heard the lock click as a door closed.

His office door had a heavier, more secure lock. The click was clunky, more audible than the other doors. So you knew he hadn't gone in there, based on the sound of the click. Knowing he wouldn't take a call in the bathroom, or your bedroom, it was safe to assume he'd gone to his own room.

After waiting for a minute, you stood up, and headed to his bedroom door. You could hear his voice on the other side, his actual words muffled by the wood, and you slowly pushed the door open.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the door, and he looked up as the door opened. He gave you a stern expression, one that said 'Not now', but you ignored him. Closing the door behind you, you quietly walked towards the bed, crawling onto it beside him, as he watched you intently. You moved behind him, at which point he turned back to face the door as he started talking into the door again.

"Noah? I've never heard of him." Bucky said. "You're sure he was in the car?"

Your chest lurched in excitement as you realised he was talking about the shooting, actually making progress on finding out more information about who was involved.

While he listened to the person on the other end of the phone, you slid your hands over his shoulders, and down his chest, moving as slowly as you could manage. His hand caught your wrists, pinning them in place, but you just leaned forward instead, pressing your lips softly against his neck.

He tilted his head to the side, but it wasn't obvious whether it was to allow you more access, or a gesture that meant stop. You kissed his skin again to work out which it was.

He sighed loudly that time, and his hand left your wrists to find its way to your waist, tugging on your body so that you slid round to face him.

"One second." He snapped into the phone, interrupting the other person completely, and he brought the phone away from his ear as he looked at you. "I'm on a call." He said to you, his expression looking almost bored at your actions.

"I know." You whispered as you shrugged. "I'll be silent."

Before he could respond, you both heard the person on the phone say 'Barnes?' quite loudly, so he put his phone back to his ear to continue the conversation. He gave you a pointed look that you knew was telling you to leave, but you just smiled innocently as you readjusted on the bed, throwing a leg over his lap and completely ignoring the frown on his face.

Feeling giddy at the fact he hadn't yet pushed you off entirely, you leaned forward and placed a soft, silent kiss to his cheek, close to the corner of his lips. He was tense beneath you as he accepted it, and accepted the next few that started trailing down his neck.

You ran your hands down his chest, feeling the vibration of him talking under your palms, but you weren't focusing on the conversation anymore. You were focusing on getting to the bottom of his Tshirt, pushing the material up over his stomach, and catching sight of his unimpressed expression as you tugged. You just raised an eyebrow at him, challenging him, showing him you weren't going to back down, and he sighed again before reaching behind his neck to grab the material and pulling it over his head. Switching the phone between his hands to get his arms out of the Tshirt, he watched you throw it behind you, and then waited for you to make your next move as he continued to speak into the phone.

Smiling innocently at him, you put your hands on his chest, pushing gently, making him lay back on the bed. Once he was staring up at the ceiling, you moved over him, and started running your tongue across his collarbone, starting from where you left off on his neck, taking your goddammit sweet time and heading towards his nipples.

You felt him lift his head up as you circled his left nipple with your tongue, and finally felt his hand slid onto your thigh.


It lit up your entire body with adrenaline, waves of goosebumps making you shiver as they rippled across your skin.

You interspersed systematic licks with kisses that grew more and more purposeful, being very aware of each time his fingers tensed on your thigh. Feeling his breaths getting heavier underneath you, you looked up at him to see his head back on the bed, his eyes closed, allowing himself to succumb to whatever you wanted to do. Moving further down, your mouth was now leaving a trail of kisses down his stomach, one hand on the bed beside him, the other running down the side of his ribs, to his hips, to the band of his sweatpants. Running a finger across the top, you saw his stomach muscles tensing and twitching from your touch, which only spurred you on more.

But the second you moved your hand over his cock, he suddenly grabbed your wrist again, and sat up, making you lose balance and rush to grab his shoulder.

He tapped the 'Mute' button on his phone before speaking.

"What exactly do you think you're doing here, Doll?" He spat, but you noticed how, along with the use of your nickname, there was something behind the look in his eyes that told you he wasn't 100% mad.

So you decided to run with it.

"You've been so tense lately, I thought I'd help you relax." You replied innocently, before pulling your wrist out of his grasp to press 'Unmute' on his phone, and moving backwards to kneel on the floor.

He blinked at you while you reached for his sweatpants, and started to push them down. You weren't waiting long for him to react.

For him to help you get rid of them.

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