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The whimper left your throat before you could stop yourself. His mouth was harsh, domineering, kissing you like his life depended on it, walking you backwards until you hit the wall. Ignoring the throb of where the wall hit your head, you instead focused on the way his hands were grabbing your waist, hoping his grip was as hard as it felt. Hoping he was leaving bruises for you to remember him by, in case this was the only chance you got. Your desperation bled through the way your hands were grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer to you, through your back arching until you felt his body press against yours, through the way you moaned when he bit your bottom lip before diving straight back into the kiss.

The next thing you knew, Bucky was scrambling to undo the button on your jeans, then grabbing your wrist and dragging you across the flat, before pushing you back against the kitchen counter and kissing you again. Your jeans were pushed down, his fingers finding your core immediately, like you'd never even been apart.

"Fuck!" You gasped, against his lips, and he took the break to kiss down your neck while his fingers pulled your underwear out the way and stroked you again. He could feel how easily he could slip inside, how wet you were for him, how ready you were.

Pushing his fingers inside, his body lit up from the way you responded, adrenaline coursing through his veins, smothering down his inner turmoil and replacing it with a need to make you scream his name.

"I've fucking missed you." He whispered, not giving you a chance to respond as he smashed his lips to yours, capturing you in a filthy hot kiss as he started fucking you with his fingers. Your moans were muffled by the kiss, but you didn't even care at this point. Knowing he missed you, that he needed this to, that he was doing this, it was sending you into overdrive. You were gripping his hair with one hand, gripping the counter behind you with the other, melting underneath him, letting him give whatever he was willing to give. Not reading too much into it, into the reasons why he was here in the first place, just letting him use you.

Because then maybe, in the morning, you and him could talk.

He felt the first clench of your muscles around your fingers, telling him that you were getting close, but he wasn't ready for that just yet. So he pulled his fingers out, pulled back from the kiss, and took his hands off you.

Your mouth parted open, eyebrows in a frown as you watched his hands go to his belt buckle, and started to undo it. Taking your hand from his hair, you took your jeans and underwear completely off, your breaths shallow, anticipating his next move, and hoping you were right.

"Turn over." He ordered, his voice low, almost a whisper, but shooting through you nonetheless.

You turned over to face the counter, and you noticed your hands were shaking slightly as you put them on the tile in front of you. Shaking from what though, you weren't too sure. Whatever it was, it amplified when one of his hands slid round your hips, making your heart thump a bit too harshly in your chest.

The next thing you felt was his cock rub over your core. You shivered, moaned lightly, and your back tensed. Your hips also moved back, trying to hurry him along, needing to feel him inside you again.

Bucky kept you tethered on the edge, pushing himself in as slowly as he possibly could, watching the muscles in your back as you twitched, tried to roll your hips into him, tried to keep your hands on the counter. When he bottomed out, he took his hand off your hip, put it on the counter next to you, leant over you, and ran his other hand up your spine.

You felt caged in, surrounded by him, completely at his mercy, but you didn't want it any other way. His mouth was next to your ear, hearing his breathing match his movements as he just barely started to move his hips, sliding his cock out halfway, then inching it back inside. He felt bigger than you remembered, maybe because of how long it had been since this last happened. Either way, you bit your lip, eyes squeezed shut, waiting for him to move faster, to give you another order, something.

But he didn't. All he did was keep fucking you slowly, deeply, his hand moving further up your back. He finally ran his hand over your shoulder, before gently positioning his fingers round the front of your neck. He wanted to feel your pulse quicken, he wanted to feel you swallow hard as he teased you, he wanted to feel your moans reverberate in his palm before they fell from your lips.

Only then did he pull out almost all the way, and slam back into you.

"Buck!" You cried, wanting to drop your head forward, but his fingers were tightening over your neck and holding you upright. He slammed into you again. "Shit..."

Taking his hand off the counter, he grabbed your thigh, guiding you to bend your leg and rest your knee on the counter beside you. Then he was suddenly fucking you deeper, his fingers digging into your flesh as he pressed your leg into the counter. There was a faint pain aching in your knee from where he was holding you, but you didn't give a single fuck. All you could really think about was how he was pounding into you, holding you in place so that you couldn't fucking move, and how it felt so fucking good.

"Buck...I...fuuckk..." You moaned helplessly, not fully sure what you were trying to say, but he didn't care. All he cared about was getting you over the edge, and hearing you say his name again.

Trusting you to leave your leg where it was, his hand slipped up to your waist, guiding you to fuck back as his hips met yours. His other hand slid off your neck, and your head instantly fell forward, the cool tile of the counter harsh against your flushed cheeks as you turned sideways to look back at him. He caught your eye, and you couldn't help notice how fucking dominating he looked. Towering over you, holding you down, his clothes barely out of place. His eyes were wild, almost black, as he tensed his jaw and fucked into you as hard as he could, making your eyes roll back.

Then he grabbed your hair, and pulled your head back up. Leaning over you again, his thrusts getting momentarily shallower, he moved his mouth to your ear.

"Say it again." He whispered.

"W..what?" You asked, following it with a moan as he slammed particularly hard into you, and ran his tongue over your neck.

"My name. Say it."

"Shit...Buck...Bucky!" You whimpered, his teeth catching your earlobe as his thrusts picked up the pace.

You kept chanting his name over and over, some more breathless than others, not having the brain capacity to question why it was making him fuck you faster, harder. It sent you spiralling to your orgasm in a matter of seconds once he leant back and focused solely on getting you there, his name coming from your lips acting as some kind of salvation for this fucked up situation.

As your climax shot through you, you screamed his name one last time, hearing him curse in the background as he pumped through his own. It was a few seconds before you felt like you could hear properly again, before your body started to relax, before you realised he was slowly pulling out of you, a comforting hand on your hip.

Putting your leg back down, the blood suddenly flooding back to it, you ignored the shakiness you felt and turned around, grabbing his neck and pulling his mouth to yours. His hands didn't return to your body, but he kissed you back. So that was something at least.

He tried to slow the kiss down, to pull away, but you held him close to you, trying to kiss him again and again.

"Luka..." He whispered, and you knew the tone instantly. Trying to be comforting. But telling you that nothing had changed. That this was just a weak moment he'd given you, that he'd succumbed to.

"No." You replied shakily, pausing your attacks for a moment and looking up at him. "Until ... until you leave...let's just be us...please."

He looked back at you sadly, and you could almost feel your heart breaking, knowing that if he agreed, once he left this apartment, he would have nothing more to do with you.

Then one of his hands slid around your waist, and the other went to the back of your head, and he kissed you. A tear escaped your closed eyes as you took his agreement and kissed him back. You walked him backwards, towards your bedroom, pushing him against the door until he had the sense to reach down and turn the handle. You both walked in, closing the door behind you, leaving the chaos of everything outside, so that you could have just a few more hours of happiness.

A horrible agreement that you were harshly reminded of when you woke up in the morning, and his side of the bed was empty.

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