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"Hey Buck, we-" Clint started to say, but he was interrupted.

"Get in." Bucky commanded, making a shiver run through you. Not the good kind of shiver either. He was glaring at you, his eyes never leaving yours as you all walked past him into the house. The door slammed shut behind Steve, and while you dropped your bags on the floor, Bucky was already snapping orders at them.

"You two will check in with Danvers and Reyes on the perimeter. You have ten minutes before I need answers on what the fuck happened out there. And in the morning, you can decide between you who's fixing the damn bullet holes in the car."

Clint and Steve rushed off without any objections. Seems that despite you not telling him, he knew about the shooting anyway. You shouldn't be too surprised. After all, it was his job to know what happened in his city, with his people.

You folded your arms across your chest as he kept staring at you, after the doors had shut behind Clint and Steve leaving the house. You decided to glance around.

"Hey Buck, how are things?" You asked coolly.

He stormed up to you. You dropped your arms to step back.

"Think this is a joke?" He snapped.

"When did I say it was funny?" You retorted.

"Luka this is serious-"

"It always is." You laughed, with no warmth in it at all. "But I got one of their guys, and took out their tires so they couldn't follow us here, so I think we did pretty well."

"You do not take shots at the enemy." He said, his teeth visibly gritted as he spoke to you. "You could have been hurt."

"Well I wasn't, and they helped save our asses, so maybe you can thank me, and Steve and Clint when you've calmed down." You spat, pushing past him and heading to walk out of the room, when he grabbed your arm, and spun you back round to face him.

You wrenched your arm out of his grasp, and took a step back.

"No." You said sternly.

"Luka-" He stepped towards you, but you held a hand up.

"No." You breathed. "I have been shot at. I shot someone. You've kidnapped me again-"

"I haven't kidnapped-"

"I SAID NO JAMES!" You yelled suddenly, the adrenaline of the evening's events catching up with you all at once. As you breathed heavily, he licked his lips, and you could tell he was trying not to shout back at you. "I'm having a shower. I'm going to bed. We will talk in the morning."

"You can't go to sleep like this. Just let me-"

"I'm. Going. To. Bed." You reiterated, the anger flaring up inside of you. You just wanted to be alone. To calm down. To not think about it, go to sleep, and revisit it in the morning. What was happening, what it all meant.

The fact that you shot someone dead.

Finally, Bucky nodded. Then he picked up one of your bags, and walked towards the stairs. Assuming that he was taking you to your room, you followed him, picking up your other bag. He opened the second door on the left, which creaked a little at the movement, and he headed in, putting your bag on the bed carefully.

You stayed in the doorway.

"Bathroom is the door across." He muttered. "I'll see you in the morning."

You stepped to the side, letting him walk past you. He paused when he reached you, and you wondered if he was going to say something, touch you, kiss you, something.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now