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The whole of Monday, and the whole of Tuesday, you found yourself watching Bucky at the office. Trying to work it all out.

He matched with you on everything. Nat had emailed you a copy of his responses. Every single question, his answers were perfectly aligned with yours, and of the (very) few that didn't, he was only one scale away from you.

He'd had the Dom/sub relationship before. He wasn't interested in Tickle Torture, but rated Wax Play highly. He ticked almost all the bondage subcategories, except mummification. Sensory Play, Impact Play, Worships, all on the high end as well.

Needles were a no. Knives were a maybe. Surprisingly, the circle he'd put around 'Average' for voyeurism/cuckolding seemed different. The ink was lighter. As though he wasn't sure. Denial and Edging were also average for him. They weren't average for you, but you have easily pushed clients your way in the past.

Nat was right. He was fucking perfect for you.

And now, sitting next to him at the office while you diligently typed notes of the meeting you were currently in, you found your eyes glancing over to him more than you usually did. Thinking about meeting him that evening. Thinking about what you would say.

The thought of submitting to him was intriguing you more and more. But then the thought of submitting to anyone after so long was something you were struggling with. You tried to wonder how it would look, and then suddenly, that was all you could think about.

"Luka?" He whispered, the closeness of his voice in your ear making your jump.

"Hmm?" You looked around, seeing everyone else looking at you. "Apologies." You looked back to your laptop and hurriedly started typing again, finishing off the sentence you'd apparently stopped writing.

He cleared his throat.

"How about we take lunch? Come back at one." He said to the rest of the group. He stayed in his seat as the others filed out of the room. When the door closed behind the last one, he swivelled in his chair to face you. "Are you okay?" He asked, his words littered with concern, his hand coming to rest on your thigh.

An innocent gesture. But it didn't seem so innocent now you knew his Dom preferences.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I had a late night." You replied as you rubbed your eyes. It wasn't a lie, but you always had a late night, and you were used to it by now. You had a late night because you were distracted. And the thing that was making you distracted was now grabbing your chair, and pulling it round so that you were facing him as well.

"You've been different for a few days now." He commented with a tilt of his head. "Is something going on? Am I working you too hard?" He chuckled.

"Never." You teased back. "It's just something...personal. I'm sorry it's affected my work."

"You're still the hardest working person here. Apart from me, possibly." He smiled, and you felt yourself wanting to smile back. "If you need a day off, just tell me."

"I'm fine." You reassured him. "I'm just going to get some coffee, I'll be back to myself in no time, Bucky."

You forced yourself to act normal for the rest of the afternoon. When you finally got home, you found that you couldn't have your pre-evening nap, because you were just staring at the ceiling, thinking over and over everything you were going to say to him at the club, what he could say back.

Before you knew it, you were getting ready to head to the club. Tonight you decided to wear a chemise, dark lace covering your nipples and pubic bone, the rest a sheer window to your skin. The top framed your chest with straps that crossed over your collarbone up to your neck, and you had also slipped on some black hipsters underneath. You weren't known for walking around naked, and that wasn't going to change just for him.

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