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You were shaking as you opened it, but your eyes kept closing as you felt the material. Soft. Velvet. A brief look told you it was deep blue and long, judging by the bundles of material.

"Okay." You said, agreeing in a very resigned way. Truth was, you didn't really care about what you were wearing. You just cared about the orgasm that you were so close to getting...

"There's something else in there." He muttered, making you realise you had stopped looking, and were just clutching the bag as you lost yourself in the feeling of fucking his fingers.

Your exhale came out more like a groan. His arm tightened around your torso, and his fingers moved faster. It was like he wanted you distracted and desperate. His teeth on the skin of your neck sharply brought you back for a second, but you quickly returned to the blissful foggy headspace he was so good at keeping you in.

The bag eventually fell from your numb fingers, thudding to the floor, the sound triggering a particularly hard thrust of his fingers, and a loud growl in your ear.

"You don't even care about it anymore do you?" He asked, but you could sense the smugness in his voice.

", not right now..." You breathed back, rolling your head back onto his shoulder when he ran his tongue up your neck in a fluid, wet strip. Then he pressed the heel of his hand against your clit, his fingers continuing to move, the friction igniting the fire in your abdomen. "Bucky I'm - so fucking close!"

He didn't respond verbally. Instead, he fucked you faster. Harder. Deeper.

All you could do was hold onto his arm that was wrapped around you while you sat limp, letting him use you all he wanted. It was like your body wasn't even yours anymore. Your knuckles were turning white by the time your orgasm crashed over you, suddenly at first, then rolling through each of your limbs and each of your nerves, his name ripping through your throat.

His lips littered your neck and your shoulder as he waited for you to finally relax into him, and once you did, he carefully pulled his fingers out of you, reaching to grab your jaw instead, and guiding your face towards his so that he could resend you to heaven with a kiss.

Twisting as much as you could, you returned his kiss, your hands coming to his face, as though if you didn't hold him close to you, he would disappear into thin air. You could taste his tongue, smell a light layer of sweat on his skin, and you could feel his hands sliding back around your waist as you turned to face him, strong, steady, and the complete opposite of how you felt.

When your lips separated, he grazed his thumb over your bottom lip as he looked up at you.

"You need to get some rest before tomorrow, darling." He whispered, and you nodded happily, your eyes still closed. "I'll have the dress ready for tomorrow. As well as your other gifts."

"We" You ran a hand down his stomach, but he quickly snatched your wrist and tugged it away.

"Not tonight. Make it up to me tomorrow." He smirked. "Maybe on the way back from the Ball."

Not one to argue, you nodded, then kissed him again. You half wished you had looked harder at the dress, and looked in the bag for whatever else he'd gotten you, although you were not about to regret how amazing you felt right then, still experiencing the full body afterglow as he gently helped you to stand, then guided you to your room.

Once the door closed behind him, you were reminded that you still hadn't stayed in his room. You'd christened it, sure, but you hadn't slept in the bed with him.

Well, if you were already making up for the lack of orgasm tomorrow, maybe you could take it a bit further, to make sure he couldn't refuse you asking to stay with him. Smiling a little to yourself at your great plan, you settled down to sleep, the exhaustion finally taking over you.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now