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"I swear to god." Bucky muttered angrily as you pulled back in surprise from him, looking towards the hallway, instead of focusing on him. "I'll get them to leave."

He marched to the door, not caring that he was only in his boxers. It was probably Steve or Sam, coming with him for something unnecessary that could definitely wait a couple of hours. He ripped the door open, ready to shout at -


"Jeez, do you always open the door like this?" He scoffed, dramatically covering his eyes with his left hand.

"What do you want? I said we'd-"

"Talk in a couple days, yeah I know. But there's some things that need more urgent attention." Tony said, holding up his right hand, which was holding a number of manilla folders.

Bucky snatched them out of his hand, walking down the hallway, leaving the door open for Tony to invite himself in. Which of course, he did.

You came out of the kitchen, cradling your mug containing the half of the coffee that didn't spill on the floor, and smiled.

"Hey Uncle Tony." You said.

"Okay I clearly interrupted something didn't I?" Tony asked, looking between you and Bucky, as he followed Bucky to lounge, who was now rifling through the folders. "The messed up hair, the lack of clothes, and BISCUIT!" He gasped suddenly. "Is that a hickey?!"

"I...I ....no..." You stuttered, clamping your hand over your neck.

But Tony just laughed and flopped onto the couch, shaking his head as you walked over to Bucky and took one of the files out of his hand, smacking Tony on the head with it.

"You're incorrigible Tony." You muttered, throwing the file on the coffee table and sitting down next to him. "Why are you here?"

"Lovely. She doesn't see me properly in years, and asks why I'm here? Typical kid." Tony scoffed.

"I'm an adult-"

"Okay." Bucky interrupted, stopping the little dad-daughter type banter you were having. "Tony, why are you here?" Bucky held the folders up. "I said we'd talk about this later in the week."

"What is it?" You asked.

"Deeds. Titles. Tony was going to help get it all transferred to me. It is stuff that can wait." Bucky replied.

"Wait, you're going to take over Adrian's organisation? Since when?" You asked.

"Ooh did he not mention that?" Tony grimaced.

"We've been busy." Bucky growled.

"Well," Tony said. "Either way, that might not be as straightforward anymore. Hence why I'm here. People have already found out that Adrian is de-" He cut himself off, side eyeing you. "No longer involved."

"You can say it Tony. I've been wishing him dead for years." You explained. Even Bucky gave you an odd look, but you were only being honest. The fact that your father was dead was not bothering you one bit this morning. The fact that Bucky was standing in the middle of the room in nothing but his boxers, his hands on his hips, glaring at Tony. The fact that you hadn't properly responded to what he just said to you in the kitchen. That was bothering you. In a very specific way.

"People know, okay?" Tony continued. "So naturally, they're starting to come to me asking what's happening. Who's taking over the deals, who's paying who and when."

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