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After your talk, it seemed as though Bucky had taken what you said to heart. Over the course of the next few days, he was talking to you more, little comments, quips just like before this emotional rollercoaster started. It made your chest feel warm, the excitement of your developing relationship hitting home the more you looked over at him, smiled at him, teased him back.

It had almost made you forget about the other side of the relationship. The physical side, the one that had fuelled this whole thing from the second he stepped into the Red Room. The side that you had been itching for, for weeks.

It wasn't until you were in the car home one day that you were reminded of it.

Absent-mindedly scrolling through your phone, your attention was brought to him when you felt his hand slide onto your knee.

"I have a meeting tonight." He said, as you kept your eyes on your phone. "At home."

"Okay. Can I go and see Nat?" You asked blandly, already opening up your messages to text her.

"Why are you asking?"

You turned to look at him, frowning.

"Did you get bumped on the head?" You chuckled. "The whole kidnapping, Mafia enemy thing? The whole reason I'm at your apartment?"

He smiled, laughing at your response. "I didn't forget. You've just never asked before."

"I'm trying something new. I'm hoping it'll earn me some brownie points." You replied with a wink. He closed the file he had been reading through, chucking it to the floor, and shifted his body towards you.

His hand came up to your jaw, dragging your attention away from your phone, which you had just turned back to. You blinked as you focused on him, on his eyes, on his lips as he opened his mouth to talk.

"Why do you want to earn brownie points?" He queried, his voice level, and soft.

"You know why." You retorted, and he smirked.

"You think that brownie points are what's stopping you from staying in my bed?"

"Well something still is." You mused, leaning in towards him with a small smile on your lips. "Otherwise you still wouldn't be holding me at arm's length."

"Does this look like you're at arm's length?" He whispered, before slowly, gently pressing his lips to yours.

"You're not fooling me Mr Barnes." You muttered once he pulled back. "That's the first time you've kissed me since that night in the kitchen. A week between you kissing me isn't exactly keeping me close."

"Luka, you complain when I do nothing, and complain when I do. I'm starting to think you just like complaining." He said sarcastically.

"It's not complaining, it's me pointing out that while you might run two organisations, and know everything about business and Mobsters, you apparently know very little about women's satisfaction."

"Is that what you think?" He growled, his hand falling from your jaw to the side of your neck, tugging you a little closer to him.

"Why don't you prove me wrong then? Or do you think kissing me once after a week is adequate?"

"I didn't kiss you for over a year, why do you suddenly care so much?"

"That was before-"

"Before what?" He asked, with a tilt of his head as his eyes studied you. "Before all this started?"

You shook your head. "Not exactly," You moved to whisper into his ear. "Before I knew how it felt to have you touch me."

As if to emphasise your point, you slid your hand onto his thigh, your fingers wrapping around the muscle, feeling him tense beneath your palm.

"You're trouble, Doll." He hissed, as you watched him struggling not to do anything.

"We haven't even scratched the surface yet, Mr Barnes."

He crashed his lips to yours, groaning into your mouth as his tongue instantly found purchase between your parted lips. The fingers on your neck tightened as he anchored you close to him, while you leaned forward even more, pushing your body against him.

He moved to your neck, leaving wet, hot kisses on your skin, and you exhaled loudly into the air.

"You're not going to Nat's." He mumbled in between kisses. It made you smile.

"No?" You breathed.

"No," He spat, just before nipping your skin with his teeth. "I want you to get changed, and meet me in the study. 6 o'clock."

Your eyes snapped open.

" want me in the meeting?"

"You'll be in the room, but you won't be in the meeting Doll."

"I don't-"

He cut you off by moving back up and kissing your lips again, making every thought you were having disappear completely, as you fell into the taste of him, his short, spiky stubble on his chin scratching your skin, his hands gripping your neck and your waist tight.

"Buck." Came a stern voice from the front seat. Bucky pulled back from you to look out the window, then looked back at you. Lips parted, swollen, cheeks dusted pink, and eyes glossed over.

"6 o'clock." He repeated as he stared at you with a smirk, before taking his hands off you, grabbing the file from the floor, and stepping out of the now open car door.

You blinked after him for a few seconds, until the sound of your own door opening clicked your focus back into place.

Steve offered you his hand, helping you out of the car.

"How was your day?" He asked sweetly, as you just stared at Bucky's figure retreating into the building, Sam following by his side.

"Fine, Steve. Fucking perfect." You said sarcastically. He laughed as you started storming off.

"You and him are going to kill each other one day."

"That's not too wild a statement you know." You muttered as you pushed the doors open, feeling Steve hot in your toes, while Bucky had disappeared from your view altogether.

"I know. Especially after what we saw with the guns." He pointed out.

"It's just so fucking frustrating!" You groaned, stomping up the stairs.

"You thought it would be straightforward with Buck? After how you started?"

"So it's my fault he needs four days at a time to make up his mind?" You scoffed, looking at him as he led you down the hallway.

"That's not what I said. I said that it was never going to be straightforward." He laughed. "With who Buck is, and who you are. What we keep seeing on the cameras...."

"I'm gonna tell Nat that you like to perv on us."

"She does the exact same at the club and you know it." He chuckled, tapping in the code for Bucky's door. "Besides, my job is to monitor the apartment. I can't help it if you decide to do things in the hallway. Or the kitchen."

"Jesus christ, Steve!" You whined as you walked into the apartment. "You could at least pretend that you don't watch."

Steve laughed, and you laughed with him as you took your coat off. It was obvious to you that Steve wasn't telling the truth, that he was only teasing you to bring your mood up, and it worked. Just like it worked every time you stomped around Steve; he always knew exactly how to make you feel better.

You could hear Sam and Bucky already talking behind the closed study door as you walked past it to your bedroom. It was mostly muffled, being able to hear the volume of their voices, rather than specific words, but it made you wonder either way. What was his meeting about later? Why did he want you in there? What did mean when he said you'll only be in the room?

Shutting your bedroom door behind you, you headed over to your closet, and looked through your clothes, realising that you weren't too sure what you were supposed to be changing into. Rummaging through the hangers and the drawers, the realisation didn't set in until you found your Red Room attire.

In the room. But not in the meeting.

Where he'd installed the hook under his desk.

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