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I previously uploaded the wrong chapter so here is the correct chapter, plus a couple extra for the inconvenience :')


"Bucky!" You squealed, your hands instantly covering yourself, then trying to hold the pieces of the dress together in the middle. "You can't do that!"

"Think I just did." He retorted, grabbing your waist instead and pulling you down to his lap.

"That was a $10,000 dress!"

"It's not worthy of you." He replied, squashing your anger immediately, his hands sliding over your now bare back as the torn dress lay limply over you.

"You could have just said you didn't like it, like with all the others." You huffed, making him smile, and lean up until his lips were almost brushing yours.

"I really didn't like this one." He replied smoothly.

"Well I have to wear something."

"Tomorrow? Yes. But right now..." He pushed on your back, guiding you forwards until your lips met his, the kiss slow, but deep, almost making you forget about the limp material hanging from your arms of the ruined dress.

As his tongue licked your bottom lip, and you opened your mouth for him, his hands worked at pulling the dress off of you, and you heard the rustle of it being thrown to the floor in a haphazard pile. Your back arched into him as your hands grabbed his face, your body aching to be as close to him as possible, while his hands returned to your body, caressing every inch of skin between your bra and your underwear.

With your fingers threading through his hair, you gripped his hair and tugged his head back, his dark eyes looking up at you as you breathed in some sense.

"What did I say earlier, Buck?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him, thankful that your voice didn't break. He just smiled back at you.

"Oh, I have an awful memory." He teased, trying to lean back up until you moved a hand to his chest and pushed him back down.


"I seem to remember," He interrupted, adjusting his grip on your waist making it feel tighter. "A certain someone cutting into my phone call yesterday to get exactly this." He punctuated his sentence with the grind of his hips into yours, making your mouth stutter open. "And then suddenly, it's not what you want?"

"I never said I don't want it." You replied, your teeth clenching while you tried to keep yourself together, despite his hips now rhythmically rocking into you. "Just that there's other ways to-"

"And like I said, Doll. This is the most fun way." His lips found their way to your neck, the soft bites tugging at your nerves and making you want to succumb to him.

He was right, of course. It was the most fun way. It was the way you had wanted for months, but there was something inside your brain telling you not to give in so easily each time. Like having sex so often would somehow make it meaningless, after having waited so long.

But it was hard to listen to that voice, when Bucky's tongue was running down your chest.

So, maybe it was time to change tactics. To make sure that you both got what you wanted.

"Let's make a deal." You said, hearing him hum in response without looking up at you. Just continuing to leave light marks on your chest with his mouth while you absentmindedly dragged your fingernails over his scalp.
"Where we have fun, just maybe not everyday."

His lack of response hung in the air between the sound of his mouth sucking, kissing and biting your skin, the scrape of your thighs over his jeans as he kept rutting against you, so you spoke again.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now