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"I wasn't sure if you'd remember the swan. I'm glad to see my daughter hasn't completely disappeared."

"What are you doing here?" You asked, a defensive bite coming through your words that you knew he noticed. However, his smile never dropped.

"Surely you're smart enough to know why."

"Actually no." You replied, trying to ignore the sickening swirl in your stomach from his backhanded compliment.

"I've got to admit, the new name, the new hair, it suits you. I had no idea it was you, never got a photo, just the name of Barnes' devoted secretary. And you know," He started walking towards you. "If I knew it was you, I'd have never sent the grunts to get you."

"What, you would have come yourself? You never did like getting your hands dirty, so let's not pretend you would have done it any other way."

"I might have been a bit nicer about it."

He had stopped now, about an arm's length from you. You could see his eyes were the same as you remembered, except he had more lines around them now. His hair was lighter than you remembered as well, starting to turn grey. You felt as though some sort of nostalgia should be hitting you. But you felt nothing but contempt and anger.

"What are you doing with him?" He asked, his tone less sharp this time. Like he was trying to be a concerned father.

"I don't see how it's any of your business." You snapped, and after a second, he laughed.

"Well isn't this ironic?" He sighed, running a hand over his face before looking back at you. "My daughter left me because she hated this life, and now she's in bed with the enemy. Maybe you should come back to work with me after all."

"Bucky isn't the enemy. Your guys stole -"

"Weapons? You think all this is over some guns?"

"Well, isn't it? With what he did to Dean?"


"Don't call me that!" You yelled suddenly, before looking back at the door, worried that someone might have heard you. "I left that name behind with you."

"She chose that name for you. I will never call you anything else." He countered, his words a harsh reminder of your loss. After a few seconds of silence, he breathed deeply before continuing. "Have you ever thought about why I ordered Dean to double cross your boyfriend?"

"I..I didn't think about it."

"Perhaps you should get the whole story before you make any more rash decisions."

"Right, cos I'm the one making rash decisions. Unlike you, who decided to kill everyone who even MENTIONED Mum after she-"

He stormed forward, grabbing your arm and shoving you back against the door, his expression now one full of seething anger.

"You will remember who you're speaking to." He spat, making you recoil, wishing you could just fall through the door away from all of this.

He let go after a moment. He even stepped back. It surprised you, because you knew he used to do a lot worse to those who said the wrong thing.

"I've given him 24 hours." He muttered, making you frown in confusion. "Barnes. He has 24 hours to give me what I want. If he does, I'll leave you to play your perfect little life here."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then the war continues." He said simply, starting to walk away, down the alley.

"What did you ask him for?" You called after him, but he just glanced at you over his shoulder, smiled, and turned back to face the way he was walking.

You felt like you didn't take a full breath until his figure disappeared round the corner. But when the oxygen flooded your brain, you suddenly felt nauseous. Seriously nauseous.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now