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You never relaxed once you got back to Bucky's apartment. You certainly tried, but nothing was working.

You took a bath, had some wine, and watched a serial killer documentary. Usually, this little routine would have calmed you right down to the point of getting sleepy, but today, it was just making you more on edge.

You found yourself hyperfocusing on the sound of Sam's shoes as he walked through the apartment every half an hour. When he spoke on the phone, and you tried to pick out the words he was saying, trying to work out if he was talking to Bucky.

You thought about what you could say once he got back home. How much of the truth you were willing to share, and how you could word it so that you weren't technically lying to him. But you never came up with a solid solution.

The afternoon quickly turned into the evening, the sky rapidly morphing into hues of purples, then inky blacks as the stars took over the sky. You were sitting on the kitchen counter, in a loose, oversized Tshirt and pyjama shorts, reading one of the books you had found in Bucky's study, drinking some hot cocoa as you absentmindedly kicked your feet in the air.

Then the front door slammed shut.

Your head instantly snapped up as the rest of your body froze. It was a few seconds before the heavy footsteps walked along the hallway, getting closer and closer to you.

Then Bucky's figure filled the doorway, his steely blue eyes staring at you intently as neither of you moved for a moment. Your heart thudded with adrenaline as you tried to force yourself to speak.

"H..Hi." You squeaked, not being able to take the silence anymore. He stepped forward, walking towards you, throwing his jacket on the counter beside you, then taking off his tie and dropping it on top, his eyes never leaving yours.

He reached up, taking the book out of your hands, and carefully putting it down on the other side. He did the same with your mug of cocoa. Breathing heavily, you allowed him to finish, not knowing what he was going to say to you.

"I was looking into you." He said simply, blandly, as he placed the mug down. "Into who you are, your past. Why this morning happened." His eyes came back up to yours. "And I found something very interesting."

This was it, you thought. He knew. He fucking knew.

"Do you know what I found out?" He asked, his voice soft, smooth, charming. But his eyes were different. Challenging, hard, and suspicious.

You decided to shake your head. Play innocent, as though you had no idea what he was talking about.

"I found out that if you go back 7 years, Luka Jones seems to appear out of thin air." He continued. "As though, you didn't exist before that. Which is odd, considering you're a little older than 7 years old."

Gripping the side of the counter by your knees, you held his gaze, forcing your lungs to breathe slowly as he studied your response.

When it was clear that you weren't going to respond, he inhaled deeply.

"Are you going to tell me why you appeared out of nowhere?" He asked, a bite now in his voice. A bite that made your spine shiver.

"I started working at The Red Room 7 years ago." You blurted out, making his eyebrow raise. "I ... I had to start over, and that was when it happened."

"Why did you need to start over?" He countered. "What were you running away from?"

"Family drama. Exes. You know how it is." You said, attempting to be humorous, but he didn't return the awkward chuckle you'd let out.

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