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You relaxed into a full body stretch as you woke up the next morning, the sheets falling from your arms as you lifted them overhead. Your muscles ached deliciously, and memories of last night flooded your mind. Getting into bed. In the bath.

Tony's house.

You weren't left with your reminiscing for very long because suddenly you were very aware of the fact that Bucky's tongue was between your legs.

Lifting the sheets to look down, Bucky smiled up at you.

"Good morning darling." He muttered, kissing up your stomach, across your chest and up your neck. It took you a few seconds to sink into the bed, underneath his hands now running up your sides and pulling your body closer to his.

"Buck..." You whispered, your brain not having the capacity to wake up fully, process everything, understand what your body was feeling.

"Shhh, your coffee is on its way. Just give me five minutes." His words danced across your skin, making it erupt in shivers.

"Hmm..what time is'it?" You mumbled, your exhaustion allowing your body to relax beneath his body as he pressed down into you.

"It doesn't matter." He replied huskily just before his lips found yours, and he captured you in a heady, dizzying kiss. It felt like a dream. Like a gorgeous dream.

Your hands finally made their way to his shoulders, and a gentle push against him was all he needed to roll onto his back, his arms wrapped around your waist and pulling you on top of him, not breaking the kiss for a second. It was fluid and elegant. Soft and light.

Until you settled fully in his lap and felt his rock hard bulge press against your core.

"Can I wake up a little first?" You laughed, your mouths separating as he smiled back at you, brushing the hair away from your face and tucking it behind your ear.

"You're the one on top of me Doll." He teased, leaning up to kiss wherever he could reach, landing somewhere by your collar bone. "And you're the one grinding on me."

Blinking, you looked down, where your bodies were joined, and sure enough, you had been absentmindedly rocking against him while you'd been talking.

"So, I think you're awake enough, don't you?" He asked, his lips continuing their gentle attacks on your bare skin. "I tried to keep my hands to myself but you are just so fucking perfect. I want you to tell me what you want." He whispered.

"Am I supposed to say you?" You smiled, but he shook his head.

"You've been so good at letting me take control all this time, Doll," He said, looking up at you. "Submitting to me. Letting me take the lead. But now I want you to be in control."

You rushed to kiss him again, a surge of need in your chest, your hips starting to grind again. You could feel your moans catching in your throat, your body caught between still waking up, and needing more.

After a few minutes you realised he wasn't going to make the next move. His hands were innocently at your waist and the back of your head, the kiss tactically slow enough to indicate that he wasn't taking charge this time. Not taking it any further.

So you did.

You reached down, wrapped your fingers around his cock, melting at the groan he made into your mouth. Guiding him to you, you sank down on him, feeling his body tense under the hand you had splayed over his chest. He slipped in easily, your core wet already the instant you had opened your eyes. You almost wanted to beat him at his own game, starting to roll your hips slowly, taking him in as deep as you could before moving back up. Waiting for him to slam you onto your back and take control.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now