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You blinked up at Steve. His words didn't make sense to you. What he was saying didn't make sense.

"Luka?" Steve said, after you just stared at him for a minute.

"Sorry..." You mumbled, also putting your mug down. "I don't think I heard you right. Cos sounded like you just said that Bucky fired me?"

"No, no, he definitely hasn't done that." Steve rushed to say, his hands coming up defensively. "He just...thinks that you shouldn't come to work for a bit."

"Are you SERIOUS?!" You yelled, his face turning into a grimace at your outburst. "That motherfu-" You muttered to yourself before running out of the kitchen. Heading to the bedroom, you scrambled for your phone on the bedside table, rushing to unlock it and find Bucky's number.

It rang.

Then it clicked to voicemail.

You tried again, but the same thing happened.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" You screamed into the empty room, just as Steve appeared in your doorway.

"I said don't be mad." He pointed out. You whipped round and pointed at him.

"Fuck off." You spat. "What is he doing?"

"I assume it's to do with your extracurricular activities." He retorted. Your hand dropped. Silence quickly filled the space as you realised that Bucky must have told Steve, before promoting him from your bodyguard to your babysitter.

Breathing in, you unsuccessfully reigned in your anger, but you acted as though you managed it. Then you turned to your closet and started pulling clothes out.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm getting dressed. I need to speak to him."

"You can't-"

"He can't fire me over this."

"I told you, he isn't firing you."

"You think I'm having a week off, then going back into the office like nothing happened?" You asked pointedly, with your eyebrows raised at him. His silence told you that you were right, so you just started pulling your clothes on.

Almost sniggering as Steve's hands flew to cover his eyes when you ripped your Tshirt off, you calmly pulled on the rest of your outfit, then slipped past him to head to the door.

But he caught up to you once he realised you'd walked off.

"Luka!" He called down the hallway at you as you started pulling your shoes on. He took one of them out of your hands. "You can't go."

"If he won't answer my phone, how else am I supposed to talk to him?"

"He's just...he's upset. He needs time to cool off."

"Well he can cool off after I tear him a new one for firing me over this. And then, he can cool off while I'm moving back to my own place."

"You're being ridiculous, it's not safe-"

"I'm being ridiculous? ME? He's got you keeping me in here, he's taken away both of my incomes, and now he won't even answer the phone to talk to me about it? I don't think I'm the ridiculous one here." You snapped, snatching your shoe out of his hands and tugging it on. Steve didn't have a rebuttal, and he knew it.

So he just let you storm to the door, pulling on your jacket as he dialled a number. You wrenched the door open before he called your name again, and you turned round to see him holding the phone out to you. He pointedly looked down at it, and you stepped forward to take it from his hand.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now