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"Bucky!" You hissed at him, shifting to push him out of you, but he snapped his eyes to yours, frowned, then grabbed your thigh, holding you to him. "You can't-"

"Yep." He replied to whoever was on the phone, interrupting what you were going to say and then starting to slowly fuck you.

"Are you serious right now?!" You whispered.

He reached for the gag beside him, leaning forward to push it into your mouth, inadvertently pushing his full length inside you. Your moan was muffled around the gag, and he winked, as if to say 'problem solved'.

But it was absolutely not problem solved.

You pulled the gag out of your mouth and glared up at him, but it only made him roll his eyes. Then he pulled his cock out of you, slowly enough that you knew what he was doing, but fast enough to make your body shiver from the emptiness it suddenly felt.

"Just give me a second." He said into the phone, before tapping on the screen and throwing it beside you on the bed. You looked to see the 'Mute' button had lit up, and were about to scold him for answering the phone in the middle of this, when he grabbed your hips and flipped you onto your stomach.

From this angle, the dildo hit a different spot inside you, and you couldn't help but groan at the feeling, burying your face into the sheets before he lifted your ass into the air, and grabbed the gag again, pressing it against your lips until you instinctively opened your mouth for him.

Curse your Sub nature.

Next thing you knew, his cock was once again pushing against your hole, and he was picking his phone back up.

"Hey...ahh, sorry about that." He said as he slowly inched his way back inside you.

You turned your head so you could just about see him over your shoulder, eyebrows pinched together as you saw him actually continuing his phone conversation while he was fucking you. He was biting his lip, his hips rhythmically pumping, his gaze on where his cock was sliding in and out of you. When he caught you staring back at him, he smiled wickedly, tucked the phone between his ear and his shoulder, and tapped his fingers against his throat, then pointed at yours.

It took you a second to realise he was signalling for your necklace. You were shaking slightly, trying to hold yourself up on the bed while swivelling the choker round and holding the chain out behind you, all while he was driving his cock into your ass, and the dildo was still vibrating inside you.

He took the chain from you, wrapping it around one hand, then used the other hand to reach down, press the button on the dildo, which you thought would turn it off, but no. It turned it up.

Your eyes fluttered shut again as the intensity increased, wanting to fall back onto the bed, but the tug around your neck kept you more upright this time.

"That's good. And what about the target?" You heard Bucky say, presumably into the phone, and a little breathless this time, his hand going to your ass and gripping you tight.

You couldn't actually believe he was trying to have a work conversation while fucking you this hard. A few times he stopped the harsh thrusts, opting for more deep grinding into you, making you feel impossibly full.

He kept the torture up for what felt like hours. Between the slow push of his hips, the gag in your mouth limiting your noises, and the low babble of whoever it was on the phone, each second that went by was more and more frustrating. You wanted his full attention on you. The full force of him. A full spiral to your orgasm. A complete burn on your throat from him pulling the choke tight. Not this gentle, measured dawdle.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now