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You weren't surprised at his vague answer. He had never been open about his personal life in all the time you knew him. "How does it work, with getting assigned someone?"

You leaned forward to pick up your drink again.

"If we get to the point where we'd consider your application, we have some forms that you need to fill out." You took a sip. "We ask you about your experience, things that you're interested in, things that you're not." His eyebrow twitched at that, and you wondered if there was much that he wouldn't be interested in trying. "Then we have profiles for everyone that works here, and we match you to someone who is the most suitable to your...needs." You explained. "We complete background checks, and as long as nothing comes back, you can begin as soon as your first payment clears."

"I'm sure it'll clear."

"I have no doubt. I'm not oblivious to who you are, Mr Barnes."

This time his eyebrow did raise at you. You gave him a closed lipped smile, suddenly feeling a lot more confident in this scenario that you did at the start.

"What do you need to see to consider my application?" He asked.

"I need to see what you want." You said coyly, putting your drink down and standing up. He instantly stood as well. You walked up to him, keeping his eyes locked on you, and when you were right in front of him, you took your eyes off him to put your hand on his chest. It was another tactic that helped your clients get into the atmosphere, and while you'd previously written this off as something you were not going to do to your boss, as the conversation had progressed, you found yourself itching to touch him.

So you did.

Your hand ran down his chest, then you slid it across his stomach until your fingers were running down his forearm. You fluttered your eyes back up to look at him, feeling a rush of excitement at seeing him staring down at you, and you took the glass out of his hand, bending slightly to put it on the table beside you.

"Follow me." You whispered when you straightened back up, and once again, you headed off across the room, knowing he was already following you. You passed the bar, and Pietro held up two different numbers on his fingers - 2, and 4. A silent gesture to tell you which rooms were occupied, and would show Mr Barnes the opposite ends of what you could provide here.

Each room in the club had a mirror. A one-way mirror. There was the door that the staff and the clients entered from, on the opposite side to the mirror. Behind the mirrors, there was a walkway, only accessible by a door that only workers had a key to. The door was also conveniently next to the guard's post, so that they could monitor who was going in and out. It wasn't usual for clients to be here by themselves. You weren't a voyeur club, and not everybody consented to being watched. The rooms that Pietro told you though, those clients had agreed to being watched in their applications. You nodded to Rohan at the post, who smiled back at you. You unlocked the door, pushing it open, and glancing behind you to see Bucky not even two steps behind you.

The hallway was dimly lit, but once you unveiled the one-way mirrors, they would let more light in. As you walked, you continued your screening process.

"What are you primarily interested in?" You asked.

"What are the options?" He countered, and you turned back to look ahead so that you could hide your smile. You knew these debating skills from the boardrooms - getting others to answer first.

"The main aspects are either domination, or submission. We get a lot of clients interested in both, some have a particular...fondness for one over the other. Then we explore your specific interests within each dynamic. You just need to choose which role you take." You stopped walking as you reached Room 2, and turned to face him. He stopped in front of you. So close to you that you could almost feel his suit grazing you.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now