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You gasped as his mouth covered yours, your head thudding against the door as he pushed you back against it, his hands on either side of your face as he kissed you. Your entire body was running hot, sizzling as your brain froze completely.

He started to slow down, then he pulled away, enough so that your lips separated, but close enough still that his breath was still hitting your mouth. His eyes looked between yours as you looked up at him. Trying to find an answer. A reaction. Something.

But you were frozen to the spot.

Your hands were by your sides, palms pressed back against the door. Your mouth was open slightly as you breathed. Your eyebrows were pinched together in a frown as your mind tried to comprehend the fact that Bucky just kissed you.

His thumb moved on your cheek as his eyes focused on the movement, giving you a moment to blink through your confusion.

"Luka..." He breathed, pressing his forehead to yours as his eyes closed. "I-"

This time you cut him off. You cut him off by grabbing his neck, pushing yourself up on your toes, and kissing him.

A year of having a crush on him. Weeks of seeing him at the club, of submitting to him. It was all surging through your body, and your brain no longer had any control. It was like ecstasy was flooding through you, and you were chasing the high.

He groaned into your mouth as you kissed him, his hands moving from your face down to your waist, sliding round your back, and pulling your body against him. He turned you both around, heading to the wall on his left, where there was a hall table. Swiping everything off of it, you heard the various objects clattering to the floor, but you didn't care, and neither did he. You had Bucky's lips on yours, after so long, and nothing else mattered in that moment.

He lifted you onto the table, your veins sizzling just as they did every time he manhandled you at the club, and you continued kissing him eagerly as his hands went under your jumper. He pulled back, and you could hear him panting heavily as he pulled the jumper off of you, leaving you in just your bra, because you never put a Tshirt on when you changed earlier. His mouth crashed back to yours, his hands running up the sides of your body, round your back, pulling you closer to him as his tongue ran across your bottom lip, then over your tongue once you granted him access. Your hands were in his hair, but you moved them to his shirt, to the buttons, rushing to undo them and push his shirt off, which he helped you with eventually.

You separated your lips so that you could look down. For the amount of time Bucky had spent using your body the last few weeks, you haven't yet seen him without a shirt. And fuck, was it worth the wait.

Your hands ran down his chest, his stomach, his muscles twitching and tensing under your touch, as he just breathed above you, watching you explore. When you looked back up at him, he licked his bottom lip, waiting for you to make the next move.

You slid your hands around his waist, and pulled him back to you.

His lips moved against yours eagerly, his hands running over you as if they already knew your body inside and out. Which, he kind of did, but he didn't know it. You arched into him as the kiss deepened, and his hands moved down to your thighs, your ass, with the intention of pulling you back off the table.

When his fingers dug into your ass though, your body (kindly) reminded you of this evening's events, the soreness of your skin, and you hissed in pain.

"What?!" He said quickly as he pulled back from you. You swallowed.

"I..." You paused. You couldn't exactly say why he couldn't touch you there, so you went with another excuse. "I don't think...I don't think we should..."

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