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Your stomach clenched as you watched Bucky storm towards you. He looked tired, exhausted even, but there was no doubt that his presence was still commanding the room's attention. People were stepping back, cowering away from him. Even the thugs that had been trying to drag you out had loosened their grip on you.

"Let go of her." Bucky seethed.

"She's intruding-"

"I said let go of her." He repeated, before smashing the butt of his still smoking gun into the nose of the guy on your left. The man's hands dropped from you as he stumbled away, clutching his bleeding face. Immediately, the other guys surrounding you released you, and also stepped back.

It was only then that Bucky finally looked you in the eyes. And stole your breath. And then another guy walked up to you.

"You no longer run things here Barnes. When the Boss-"

"Tell him." Bucky interrupted, turning to the man. "Go ahead. Tell him how you had his daughter held in the air in thug restraints ready to throw her outside like a dog. Or shall I tell him for you?"

The man just breathed, staring back at Bucky, and you could see him thinking about whether to challenge him or not.

"Let's go." Bucky muttered, grabbing your arm and walking you to the door. Your body lit up the instant that his fingers touched your skin, and you found yourself automatically moving closer to him, aching for something more as you staggered to keep up with his long strides.

The container door slammed shut behind you, and you thought Bucky would have let you go, but he kept his tight grip on you until you rounded a corner and saw his car there.

"Where are we going?" You asked him, but you got no answer. Just a shove into the car seat and the door shut behind you. You weren't too sure if you were even expecting a response. You sighed, noting Steve in the front seat looking at you in the rearview, but you couldn't quite read his expression. When Bucky got in next to you, the air was still silent. Still awkward.

You didn't know if you should speak first. If he was going to speak first. If this was a glorified taxi trip. If he knew why you were there. Wait...why was he there anyway?

Turning in your seat to face him, you watched him staring out of the window, his elbow resting on the door and his finger gliding across his bottom lip. You opened your mouth, then closed it. You'd spent the last week going over and over everything you'd say to Bucky the first second that you were in the same room as him, but now it was like none of that mattered. All you wanted to do was wrap your arms around him, and tell him you missed him. To feel him close to you, to have your Bucky.

"Where are we taking you?" Steve suddenly asked from the front seat, making you whip your head round to him.

"Uhh...Nat's. I'm staying at Nat's." You replied. Steve nodded, and you thought you saw Bucky look at you out of the corner of your eye, but when you turned your head slightly, he was already back looking out of the window. Not needing to tell Steve where to go, he arrived at Nat's in 15 minutes. 15 agonisingly slow and uncomfortable minutes.

You mumbled a thanks, not really sure who you were directing it to, and got out of the car. Swallowing a horrible tasting lump in your throat, you started walking to the door when you heard a second car door shut.

Bucky walked around the car and walked past you towards the door, opening it and waiting. Still not looking you directly in the eyes.

Not wanting to kick a gift horse in the mouth, you stepped forward. Bucky ended up following you into the elevator, down the hallway, right up to Nat's front door. He waited behind you as you struggled to put the key in the door, seeing your hands shaking as you tried to slide it into the lock and twist it the right way. But he didn't intervene. He just stood, silent, his breath hitting the back of your neck. His eyes tracing the shiver down your spine as your skin erupted in goosebumps under your jumper.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now