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You kissed him back eagerly, the relief flooding through your body. He still wanted you. He wanted to stay. This was the chance to fix things.

You rushed to undo the rest of his buttons as his tongue delved into your mouth, his hands coming back to your face, holding you as close to him as he could. When you started to push his shirt over his shoulders, he took his hands away to help get rid of it, then he stood and started undoing his belt buckle.

You ran your hands through his hair as he worked to remove his clothes as quickly as possible, and before you knew it, he was leaning over you, making you sit back, each of his hands coming either side of the tub, crowding you, as he stepped in.

The moment he sat down, his hands were on your waist, pulling you forward onto his lap. You crashed into his chest, the kiss not losing its momentum for a second. The water swirled around you, and you heard some of it splash onto the floor, but neither of you gave a damn. One of his hands came to the back of your head so that he could kiss you deeper, his other hand coming to the middle of your back, pressing you closer against his chest.

You kissed him again and again, your desire for him taking over and acting for you. You needed him closer. You needed to show him how you felt. You needed more.

You reached between your bodies, your hand slipping down his chest, his stomach, until you felt ... his boxers. Why was he still wearing his boxers?!

You broke away from the kiss, foreheads resting against each other, both of you panting, and you opened your eyes. But he was the first to speak.

"We're not having sex right now." He whispered. All at one, the rush of anger flooded through you, taking you back to your previous arguments.

He sensed you going to move away, and his hands slid up to your hair, grabbing handfuls of it in his fists, soaking it in the water from his fingers, and he licked his bottom lip.

"Listen to me first." He growled, making your breath hitch in your throat.

"Are you going to stay?" You retaliated, the paranoid thought whizzing through your brain. You had just got him back, just got him here, and nothing felt like it was certain anymore.

"I'm never making the mistake of leaving you again." He replied, before crashing his lips back to yours. You moaned into his mouth, his admission making your blood run hot. The hand he had in your hair fell to the back of your neck, guiding your head to the side as he kissed down the side of your neck. "But I'm also not going to take advantage of you."

"Bucky please I need-" You whined.

"You need to process what's happened today." He interrupted, moving his face back up to yours to look you in the eyes. "We need to talk about things. Not just jump into bed together."

"We're not in bed." You breathed.

"Luka." He warned, following it with a gentle bite to your neck, making you gasp as his hands ran over your back.

"Okay..." You whimpered. "Okay I'm ...listening."

"I have never regretted anything more than the morning I left you at Nat's." He muttered against your skin, placing tiny soft kisses to your neck in between his words, something about not looking you in the eyes making it easier to admit. "Or when I shouted at you. I should never have made you leave here in the first place."

"Buck..." You panted, head rolling back. "It's..."

"Don't you dare say it's okay." He growled, the vibration of his voice shooting through your skin, deep into your bones. "I didn't listen to you. I took my anger out on you. And you didn't deserve that darling."

You whimpered in response, looking down and trying to chase his mouth with yours, but his grip on your neck was strong, and held you back. At least this time he was looking straight up at you.

"I wasn't there for you when you needed me." He continued, his hands moving to your thighs, gripping you tight and pulling you as close to him as he could, making your face feel warm, his actions and from his words the perfect duo. "I will never let that happen again. I am never letting you go, ever again."

You couldn't take it anymore.

You grabbed his face and kissed him as hard as you could. He let you for a little while, wrapping his other arm around your waist, holding you in place as his hands ran up and down your body, like he couldn't bear not touching you for a second. Eventually his hands came up to either side of your neck, to your jaw, his thumb running over your bottom lip. He stared up at you.

He had already said so much, and yet it felt like he wanted to say more. You could see it on his face. The worry. The hesitancy. The regret. You didn't want to see it on his face anymore.

Reaching your hand up, you grazed your fingers over the lines in his face, smoothing out the frown in his eyebrows, the cuts he'd acquired from today, the scar on his jaw. He breathed patiently while he contentedly watched you explore. He took in every inch of you, every inch of your face, admiring and taking in your beauty.

When you finally looked back into his eyes, he felt at peace.

He brought your mouth back to his, kissing you slowly. Deeply. Making the fire roar in your abdomen just as quickly as it had before. The water around you kept you warm, but Bucky was keeping you hot.

When the kiss started to gain speed, gain urgency, he sat forward suddenly making you rush to grip his shoulders. His hands found your hips, and twisted your body around, so that you were facing away from him now. Before you could question it, his arms wrapped around your stomach and he tugged you backwards, flush against him, his mouth trailing up your neck towards your ear. His hands lightly trailed over your stomach, not with the intention of making you more antsy, but having that effect anyway. He ignored the way you had to clench your thighs together, to stop yourself from grabbing him and taking what you really wanted.

"I never realised how much shit you had been through before you'd even met me, darling." He said to you. "And I didn't make it any easier did I?"

You decided not to respond.

"I can see now how much you had to protect yourself, what you had to protect yourself from." He continued. "I hope that you can forgive me for not understanding."

"Bucky -"

"I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you." He whispered, his lips softly kissing you just below your earlobe. "If you'll let me."

Twisting your head, you met his lips with an intense kiss. You couldn't verbalise how you felt, how he was making you feel, how much you wanted to just fuck him and show him, but knew that it wouldn't make your chest feel any lighter. Your emotions were all over the place, trying to control your body for you. While Bucky kept the kiss deep and slow, your hands were itching to grab him, to flip over and grind into him.

He moved his lips to your shoulder, allowing you space to breathe. One of his hands ran up the side of your body, purposefully avoiding your breast, following the line down your arm until he could tangle his fingers with yours. Wrapping your arm across your body, his arm laying on top of it and keeping you in place, he kept kissing your shoulder and your neck, until you finally rolled your head back, relaxing into him. For a few seconds, the stress of today washed away. The turmoil of understanding what your father did disappeared. Your mother, Tony, the killings.

For a few seconds, you allowed Bucky to alleviate the pain. His body anchored against your back, his arm around your chest, you felt safe. Secure. He was right - sex wouldn't have had this effect. Even if your skin felt like it was on fire with how much you wanted it, it wasn't what you needed.

Bucky was what you needed.

When the water went cold, he led you out of the bath, wrapped you gently in a fluffy towel and led you to bed.

This time, Bucky didn't leave in the morning.

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