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"So, it's normal for you to come back at this time, is it?" He asked, downing the rest of his whiskey, putting it on the table and standing up. His suit jacket was on the sofa beside him, and he was just in his shirt and trousers, although a few of his shirt buttons weren't done up.

Because you'd unbuttoned them at his request a few hours earlier.

"Pretty normal. Is it normal for you to stay up and wait for your secretary to return?" You retaliated as he walked up to you, making you tilt your head to look up at him.

"Well, I was trying to work out why you were out so late."

"I was on a date and we fucked in his car on the way back." You said sarcastically.

"I don't appreciate the joke."

"Who said I was joking?" You chuckled, pushing past him to kick your shoes off and hang your coat up. You'd changed at the club, so you were now dressed in a simple jumper and leggings. "What I do when I'm out is none of your business." You said as you heard him walk up behind you.

"I need to make sure you're safe." He whispered in your ear, making you whip round to face him. "And when you won't take your bodyguard, I have to make sure you're protecting yourself. Which is proving incredibly difficult lately, especially when you won't tell me where you're going or who with."

"How would you like me to protect myself then? Because I'm not going to stop leaving." You said bluntly.

"Hmm, I was going to say stay in the apartment." He smirked, just as he walked forwards, making you walk back until you hit the wall, and he put his hands either side of your head. "How about giving me the guy's name, so I can check whether he's okay?"

"Absolutely not." You scoffed, going to push him off, but he grabbed the hand you put on his chest and pinned it back to the wall. The action made your stomach flip.

"So you are dating someone."

"I don't owe you an answer to that."

Bucky stared down at you for a few seconds, and you could see the muscle in his jaw twitching. Then he pushed himself back, letting go of your hands, and simply walked off.

What an odd conversation.

The oddness didn't stop at that night. You noticed for the next two times you went out, Bucky would ask if you were going on another 'date'. Out of pure pettiness, you said yes every time, starting to enjoy the angry look that would take over his face as you shut the door. Plus, it wasn't a total lie, because you were technically seeing someone, just...at the club. And that someone was him.

You also noticed that the light would now stay on in Bucky's office whenever you came back. You went straight to your room each time, closing your door, and then you would hear footsteps, and then another door closing. When you looked out into the hall, the light in the study would be off, and Bucky's bedroom door would now be closed.

You realised he had waited for you to come home every time.

You had gotten into a habit quite early on of waiting a couple hours after your sessions finished at the club, before heading home. You just helped Nat out with office stuff, checking cameras, paperwork and stuff. You figured that if you got home minutes after him every time, he would start getting suspicious. So you changed it up, coming home anywhere between 2.30 and 4.30am, with your sessions finishing at 1am. It meant that you were now more tired than ever, but that was a minimal price to pay to make sure that Bucky didn't find out.

One Tuesday evening, he was particularly harsh on you. Maybe it was all the events that had happened so far, the fact that he clearly didn't like you being out when he didn't know where, but it was feeding into your meetings at the club. He used the Nine Tails every time now. He always had you either blindfolded or gagged. He always had you tied up somehow. He used his fingers more, mostly to torture you with the possibilities of a climax rather than letting you go completely over the edge. He was loving the control he had over you. He loved getting what he needed out of you. Whimpering, moaning, begging for more.

A new development tonight was that he let you touch him. Briefly, for a few seconds, he moved your hand to him, rock hard in his trousers, allowing you to run your hand over him. But when you went to reach for his button, he ripped the opportunity away again, going straight back into punishing you.

You were practically stumbling into the apartment that evening, your body completely fatigued, thrumming with unspent adrenaline, but too exhausted to do anything about it. You wanted to have a few minutes to yourself, with your toys, in your bed, but Mr Barnes had previously instructed you that you were not permitted to. He liked seeing you desperate for his touch.

You kicked your shoes off, hung your coat up, and rolled your neck, trying to alleviate some of the tension in your muscles. As you padded through towards your room, you stumbled to a stop when Bucky's voice echoed from beside you.

"I've made a decision." He said, and you blinked at him as he walked over from the kitchen doorway, where he had clearly been waiting for you. "You're not going on anymore dates."

"I...what?" You asked, your brain trying to comprehend what he just said to you.

"You heard me." He growled, continuing to step forward so that you were forced to step back, until your back hit the front door, making you flinch. "I want you to stop going out on dates."

"You can't tell me what to do."

"It's not safe."

You went to walk past him, but he grabbed the side of your arms and pushed you back against the wood.

"Bucky, stop it." You spat. "You already control where I live, where I work. My free time is my free time. I can spend it with whomever I like."

"Not anymore."

"What's changed?" You asked, and he just stayed silent. "If nothing has changed in the last 24 hours, then I'm not changing any part of my life."

"Something has changed." He finally muttered.

"Oh yeah, and what's that?"

"The fact that I don't want you dating people."

"Why is that your business?"

"Because I've watched you come home later and later each time this week. You're out doing god knows what, with god knows who, and I can't worry about that while I'm worrying about you getting kidnapped again!"

"I'm fine! I'm safe! Nothing has happened!" You shouted back, throwing his hands off your arms.

He groaned and turned away from you, his hands going through his hair.

"I live in your house, I work with you, that's enough. If I want to be out, seeing 'god knows who', then I am well within my right to!" You continued. "You're out gallivanting and you don't think twice about it. They could just shoot you anywhere! Steve's life isn't controlled, or Clint's, or Sam's! So why the fuck are you so wound up about me?!"

"That's different." He growled, turning back to you.

"Yeah, cos they're not lowly secretaries, right? They can fight anyone who tries anything with them?"

"That's not-"

"Why do they not get shouted at every time? Why do you not give a shit about them when they clock off, but you get so fucking irate about me?!"

"Because Luka, they're not-"

"It's a fucking double standard Bucky, and I don't understand why you can't just leave me alone like you leave everyone else alone!"

"BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT EVERYONE ELSE!" He yelled suddenly, making your anger disappear instantly. "You are completely different." He added, his voice quieter, but his teeth still gritted.

"Why am I different?" You asked, frowning at him in confusion.

"You can't seriously be that naive?" He chuckled heartlessly. The anger flared back up.

"Listen here Bucky, if all you're going to do is insult me for asking simple fucking questions, then I will walk ou-"

Your words were cut off, by Bucky crashing his lips to yours.

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