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This is it, the final chapter...


You kicked your shoes off the second you walked into the apartment, groaning as your feet throbbed from relief.

"I am never wearing those heels ever again." You whined, padding down the hallway, dropping your bag and coat carelessly on the floor as you walked.

"You didn't buy them for comfort, Doll." Bucky teased, once he saw you appear in the kitchen doorway, where he had been pouring you a glass of wine. "In fact, I don't think you bought them to wear outside of this apartment at all."

Smiling, you took the glass of wine, then kissed him, your hand habitually going to his neck and scratching lightly over his hairline.

"Good day?" He asked.

"Yeah. Busy. You?"

"Nope. Clint's got everything under control. Doesn't even need me anymore." He replied, leaning back against the counter as you stepped back.

Over the last six months, it felt like so much had changed, and nothing had changed at all simultaneously. You were back working at Barnes Global, with somewhat of a promotion courtesy of the man standing opposite you. You were now the Board Rep, working alongside Steve who retained his interim CEO status (from when Bucky was MIA). You were essentially showing up as the person for Bucky in the office, as well as sourcing new contracts and presenting them for signing off.

The first contract you sourced was a little building called The Red Room, ensuring that Nat was lawfully protected from all sides, that the business would never be able to be vacated from the premises (for 500 years at least), and she only had to pay $1 a year in commission to Barnes Global.

Steve had completed a lot of that work on your behalf, on account of the fact that he and Nat had now been officially dating for the last 5 ½ months. After the showdown at Tony's house, he had rushed over to hers, her stolen phone in hand, explained the situation and asked her out on a proper date.

Which they didn't get round to for a couple of weeks because they couldn't keep their hands off each other long enough to leave the bloody house. She finally called you back in one of their little 'breaks' though.

Bucky had gotten all of Adrian's mob organisation. You had gone to the lawyers office the day after your father's death, signed everything to get his entire estate passed to you, then immediately asked the lawyer very politely to draft a new contract to pass everything over to Bucky.

There may or may not have been some very Barnes-like threats involved.

Either way, you had walked out of that building with a shit ton of money, a few houses, and Bucky now had two organisations. You and Bucky took the next week off from everything to lay everything on the line. Honest conversations. Honest intentions. Plans for the future. How you felt about the past. How you felt about the truth about your mother. It was as though the showdown at Tony's house had slapped you both around the face, telling you that you had both been idiots, and you needed to start fresh. So that's what you did.

Bucky had then kept to his word, destroying branches of Adrian's world that were too poisoned to retain, and started dividing everything else up. Sam was now overseeing what you called 'Community Hubs', which were the smaller districts, ensuring the police were doing their jobs, keeping businesses afloat, and ensuring the locals weren't being threatened by any outsiders.

Danvers was overseeing the wider trading routes, which you knew she loved because she loved travelling and hated staying in one place too long. She got to travel across the country, to other continents, generating import and export business.

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