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Initially, you thought it might be Steve again. But then you realised that the person was still dragging you backwards, and something felt very, very wrong.

You started squirming. They held you tighter as you were pulled into a dark alleyway. You rushed to find your pockets, desperately looking for your keys, your phone, anything you can hit them with, but then you were shoved face first into a wall, pinning your hands to your stomach.

"Luka Jones. At last we meet." The person growled into your ear. Their voice was horrible, and it made your skin crawl as they held your head to the brick.

"Who are you?" You spat, trying to move your hands from between your body and the wall, but they just pushed you harder and chuckled.

"Someone who needs to speak to your boss, very urgently."

Just as you were about to reply, about to ask another question to find out who they were, there was a thud from behind you, and their hands disappeared from you.

You instantly whipped round. There was a guy on the floor, and Steve was standing beside them.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked, rushing up to you and putting his hands on your shoulders, his eyebrows pinched together in concern.

"I...I think so, yeah. What..." You looked down at the unconscious guy. "Is he dead?" Steve's face fell. So did his hands.

"No. We don't kill everyone we see Luka. Just knocked him out."

"Well...thank you." You said. Then you saw Steve getting his phone out of his pocket. "Who are you calling?"

"Bucky." He said simply, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards your building.

"Why do you need to call him? I'm fine, don't you need to...get rid of that guy?" You asked, glancing back at the guy who was still laying on the floor.

"Clint will get him. Buck, hey," Steve said into the phone as he pulled you up the stairs. "Someone tried to take her. No, she's fine, I've got her, taking her back to her apartment now. Barton is already on his way to pick him up. Okay, see you soon." He tapped the screen, hanging up, and gestured for you to open your front door. You just frowned at him.

"Why did you say see you soon?" You asked. He raised his eyebrow at you. "He doesn't need to come here. I'd rather he didn't come here."

"Would you like to argue with him? I've never been successful, but you are welcome to try."

You breathed in, knowing how right he was, and reluctantly put your key in the door. You walked in, hearing Steve shut the door behind you and put the deadbolt on. Before you even turned around, he was walking over to your windows, locking them and pulling the blinds. It was weird how he looked like he already knew his way around.

You grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, leaving one on the counter for him without saying anything, and went to sit on your sofa, the fact that someone tried to hurt you finally catching up to your brain.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked once he'd returned from locking the windows in the bathroom.

"I'm pissed off that you called Bucky at 2am and invited him over."

"He was already awake." He replied, and you shifted uncomfortably. You knew he was already awake, because two hours ago, he'd been with you at the club. You just didn't know how to talk to him properly anymore, unless you had a mask on, it seemed.

Not even a few minutes later, there was a knock at your door. You went to stand up, but Steve held his hand out, making you stop, his other hand going to what you assumed was a gun on his belt. He stepped slowly to the door, then looked through the peephole. Dropping both of his hands, he opened it to reveal a panting Bucky.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now