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You decided not to answer him just yet. Instead, you walked over to the closet that you told yourself you wouldn't open tonight.

"If worshipping is the reward, I'd like to see the punishment." You said, stepping back and gesturing with your hand to the closet. He took his suit jacket off, and you openly watched his muscles stretching his shirt fabric, just like at the office. There was a different energy here though.

Then he walked over to the closet, pausing in front of you for a second before turning to look at the objects fully. You stepped back to give him space to decide, heading back to lean on the desk as he chose. The closet only held the beginner toys, cuffs, floggers, and simple collars. It was about exploring the interests, and once preferences had been found, the harder and more complex toys could be brought in.

"The one in that Room that you showed me, it's not here." He said after a few seconds. Your breath hitched in your throat. Of course he'd want the nine tails.

"The Cat o'Nine tails is one that takes practice to use. We don't bring it in until we both understand our boundaries."

"So I'm just supposed to pick one and spank you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. You sighed and walked back over to him.

"If I agree, you'll be doing it very regularly, Mr Barnes." You countered, making the arrogant look on his face disappear. "So we should start somewhere." You reached forward and picked up the leather flogger. "This one is similar to a nine tails. If you want to start with that." You explained, handing it over to him.

He nodded, but as you walked back over to the seats, he also grabbed the blindfold.

You waited patiently for him to approach you, turning slightly when you heard the flogger hitting the desk. That's when you spotted the blindfold in his hand. He stepped towards you, placing the material over your mask, covering your eyes. You felt his hands at the back of your head, tying it together, but you could also feel his breath on your cheek. It made your skin shiver.

"Kneel." He whispered into your ear. You breathed. Then you slowly put your hand on the side of the desk, and gracefully got to your knees, your hands resting on top. Like it was second nature. "Is there anywhere I can't hit you?"

"My face." You said instantly with a smile at the chivalry of checking. "My day job wouldn't appreciate it." You wanted to chuckle at the irony. Suddenly, you heard the loud scrape of wood from your left, and reached a hesitant hand out.

He had moved the desk.

Another scrape, and you were pretty sure it was the chair being moved. Giving you space. Giving him space.

"Hand." He ordered, and you didn't need to question him on it. You held your hand out, palm facing up, feeling the leather straps of the flogger grazing over it. "For someone who said they weren't a sub, you're very good at it." He commented, your ears trying to pick up where in the room he was. You smiled at the praise, but said nothing.

Then the flogger snapped to your hand. You didn't flinch. You didn't move.

"Give me a scale. On how hard it was." He ordered, his voice suddenly in your right ear. You felt the excitement flood through you.


He did it again.



"5." You repeated with a smirk, knowing he would be watching you.

"Are you being a brat on purpose?" He growled from somewhere above you.

"I'm being honest." You explained. "It's a poor substitute for the nine tails." You heard a thud on the floor, and assumed he had thrown the toy to the side.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now