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The next morning, Bucky was in the kitchen again when you walked in. He handed you a coffee, told you that you had 20 minutes to get ready for work.

Then he kissed you.

Slow, sensual, too overwhelming for 7am. The kind of kiss that made you dizzy, and if you'd been any more awake, it was the kind of kiss that would have made you late for work.

He left the kitchen before your brain could tell your body to move, leaving you standing frozen to the spot, gripping your coffee mug tight, your veins thrumming with adrenaline.

It seemed that your promise last night had kicked his ass into action.

You got dressed as quickly as you could, meeting Bucky by the front door to head to the car together. Today there were more smiles, his hand on your lower back as he guided you through the doors, his hand on your knee as Sam drove.

You spent the entire day feeling giddy.

Bucky came into your office around lunch, closing the door behind him, striding over to your desk, capturing your face in his hands and capturing your lips before you could even say a 'hello' to him. You just sat in your chair, melting into his touch, until he pulled away.

"Good afternoon to you too, Buck." You said, the smile creeping over your lips. "Having a good day?"

"Better now." He smirked, kissing you again. You were ready this time, straightening your back to push up into the kiss, your hand sliding around his forearm as he swiped his tongue over your bottom lip.

"Don't start something you can't finish." You whispered in a brief moment of separated lips. He smiled, then slid his hands from your face and stood up straight, moving to lean back against your desk.

"I have something tomorrow night."

"Another meeting?" You asked, and he nodded. "Surely you've talked about Mob stuff enough by now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, all these meetings, every other night. Surely nothing new has happened. I know I haven't been kidnapped again so what, you guys just talk about the weather?"

"You're cute." He laughed. "But it's not like we do one thing. We have jobs, shipments, lines of enquiry, investigations. Only part of that is looking into how much information Dean passed onto his boss."

"Wait, I thought you were finding out who his boss was?"

"No. We know who he was working with."

"Then go knock the guy out?" You said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "If you know who he was working for, go up to them, tell them to eff off, job done."

"If only it were that easy. If we go after him, unprepared, they retaliate, something else could happen to you. We're trying to take them down from the inside out."

"That seems like it's a lot more effort." You scoffed, pushing away from your desk, and heading over to the shelves to put away the folder you'd been working on. "I'll do it if you like, with one of those machine guns you wouldn't let me touch."

"Now that's something I'd love to see." He chuckled, walking up behind you, grabbing your hips and spinning you round to face him. "I think you would be quite good in a fight."

"I'm awesome in a fight. So maybe, instead of hiding me under the desk like in last night's meeting, you'll let me listen in to this one?"

"Oh Luka," He said, in a slightly patronising tone as he reached up to run his fingers over your cheek. "There was no meeting last night."

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now